Well, I haven't done much yet today, because it's not even 8am. But yesterday, I spent most of the day online, Christmas shopping. I've been really stressed because I didn't think I'd have the money to buy my three little cousins (boy 4, girl 5, boy 6) anything at all & they're used to getting things from us (me & my mom) every year. I didn't know how to explain it o them.. because they're so young.. that they wouldn't be getting anything from us. But, anyway..... I found all three of them outfits online & it totalled $14 !!... for everything

I also bought myself a hoodie & my mom a new pair of gloves. Everything was bought on clearance & everything will be here by Christmas Eve. The total of my order.. for 6 things was $20. $27 with shipping. I'm still excited about that
I didn't do much yesterday, but I'm very happy with what i did do
I'm about to go to another site & look for some more clearance stuff.