what do you guys think of this conversation


Well-known member
I felt kind of akward with this conversation. I live in an apartment building and I was trying to meet the girls that live across the hall from me. I knocked on the door and started talking to one. Just let me know if you think if I said anything ackward during this conversation. I know feeling uncomfortable didnt help but there's not much i can do about that right now. anways Here is how i kind of remember it. I cant remember the flow of conversation just fragments so these are all fragments.

Me: hey, i was kind of bored adn wanted to see what you were up to
her: i'm studying, i have a big test tomrrow
me that's cool. i havent seen you guys in awhile. I met some of your roomates but its been amonth since ive seen them
her: yeah, i'ma nursing major so i have an exam tomrorw
me: that's cool i'm a cs major i have a big project due last week i know how you feel
her: my roommates are named....
me: my name is ... I live in apt ....
her: none of my roomates are around its just me
me: yeah mine neither, they are all gone so i wanted to find someone to hang out with
me: well if your ever free....
her: yeah, come back when we're all here
then i left


Well-known member
Maybe it's just me, but she may have been slightly intimidated/weirded out from what I'm reading there. She gave you two negatives; one when she mentioned she was studying for an exam tomorrow (nobody really wants to study), and the second one was more obvious in that she told you to come back when her friends are around. It's no big deal, it clearly wasn't a super awkward conversation, but she may have felt that you were trying your luck with her. I think you should back off for a few weeks and then have another convo when there are others in the situation (and when you're perhaps tipsy, LOL).
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Well-known member
She could have either been busy, or she wanted to blow you off. Either way, there is no point in stressing over it. If she wont give you a chance, she's not worth the effort anyway. If she really was super busy, that's understandable.

But as PunkRotten said, whatever the outcome, remember that she's just some girl at this point. If nothing happens, life definitely goes on. ;)
Its useless to wonder about something like this after the fact. Im pretty certain while you are thinking of this, that girl forgot about you and your conversation.
True words spoken. I did this with a girl, over analyzed, went over
every converstion I had with her in my head till it made me sick.
I did this for years even to this day I will think about her sometimes.

So just as PunkRotten says chances are she probably doesn't
remember me or the few times we interacted.

Do not beat yourself up because of it. Give yourself credit.
It took balls to walk up to the them ring their door bell
and just start chatting.
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Well-known member
Well, I have to say that you had a lot of courage to do what you did. Perhaps the girl may have been weirded out but that could have just been my impression. Did she not say, "Come back when we're all here"? I could be wrong since I wasn't there at the time to be able to discern whether she was weirded out or not. It has nothing to do with you but women have to be cautious. We can't just let strangers into our homes especially if we're alone so don't be discouraged. Shit, sometimes we shouldn't let in people that we do know. Had you been insistent you could have come across as creepy.
Also, another possibility may be that she just really needed to study for her exam and she didn't want to be distracted.
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Well-known member
Firstly I'd think it was really nice and confident of you to knock on my door and also its great that you gave it a go.

I agree with Kinetic a bit though, I think her saying she was studying meant she wanted to be left alone at that point. Also, although she probably doesn't have SA, even other people can be a little shy or awkward and she probably didn't really know what to do with a guy who is suddenly just at her door. It probably would be bet to wait til more of them are home.


Well-known member
Sounds good man you made an effort to try and meet them that was a good convo. Way to go dude. Keep doing what your doing....


Well-known member
Uh, maybe that's your case, but not everyone's.

And you're looking too much into it. She didn't really say no to hanging out.

I didn't mean for it to come out as such a blanket statement, and I'm not suggesting she would or should drop her studies completely in favor of talking to him. I'm just saying that if you were interested in someone, you'd very likely make some time for them even if you were a little busy.


Well-known member
Wow, that's a lot of responses. I was just wondering if I said anything awkward because I felt really awkward doing it. I guess the consensus is no. Thanks for the input!