what controls you? Is it you or your brain?

I know that may seem like a dumb question.
But the reality is, my brain made this topic.
I tried to have a contest with me and my brain. I said ok brain. Who is really in control me or you?
Well this is obviously a paradox because my brain controls what I think, but at the same time I feel like what I'm writing and what I think is outside my brain.
But it doesn't work. Your brain inside your body controls you.
It makes me wonder wtf is going on. What is life really? What is reality?
I can think something I don't think my brain can handle. But then I realize. It's you who controls me.
It's a fascination of life when you consider that a substance inside you creates you.
I am what my brain tells me. I write what my brain tells me. It's not me, but what my brain understands as truth.

What does your brain tell you right now to respond to this topic?

deleted user 1

Your brain is a mechanism for thought, and it does have many autonomous functions, otherwise you wouldn't be able to live. But you do have a large say over how it functions. And it is very respondent to external stimuli. Just take the sight of parasites, your brain will respond to this as a defensive measure. It is very plausible for an external source to take advantage of how your brain functions in order to plant ideas and beliefs subliminally. And you of course have the reigns to do significantly positive things. Take healing as one of them, through positive thought, look how many people whom were terminally ill were able to overcome their fate! Very interesting topic you started, I'll watch to see where this leads.


Very interesting. I spend way too much time thinking about similar things. Maybe I'm starting to lose my mind because of it... too much alone time = too much introspection = weird/disturbing/distressing thoughts = depression, anxiety, suicidal feelings = compounds already existing problems = more isolation, and the vicious circle goes round.....

deleted user 1

Very interesting. I spend way too much time thinking about similar things. Maybe I'm starting to lose my mind because of it... too much alone time = too much introspection = weird/disturbing/distressing thoughts = depression, anxiety, suicidal feelings = compounds already existing problems = more isolation, and the vicious circle goes round.....

It's a double edged sword, introspection. But at the very least it gets you thinking about yourself. A lot of people will only ever do that when they reach a moment of crisis or tragedy, as they are unwilling to see anything that they don't like. Introspection is a prime opportunity for an honest appraisal of oneself. That, isolation is not so good. It kills you off slowly, the word I would use here is depersonalization. That combined with introspection is a recipe for catastrophe in my opinion.


Well-known member
I guess I just can't see the paradox. Sure, external stimuli may effect the brain, but oneself is not an external stimuli. Even if you choose to do something that affects your brain you chose to do that on the basis of countless previous moments that have affected your brain. It's not a paradox if you think about this, in fact, you are just affirming basic existential thought.

Of course, it's a whole different talk when we are considering the possibility of the soul, but the outcome is nevertheless the same. A soul may serve as just another external stimulus to the brain, though it may be confused for the brain. For example, Stimulus A causes your brain to respond with Response A, but with a soul, Stimulus A + Stimulus B from the soul may cause your brain to respond with a Response B. Or, if you see the soul as an integral part of decision making, then personhood is simply a divided entity.

deleted user 1

I guess I just can't see the paradox. Sure, external stimuli may effect the brain, but oneself is not an external stimuli. Even if you choose to do something that affects your brain you chose to do that on the basis of countless previous moments that have affected your brain. It's not a paradox if you think about this, in fact, you are just affirming basic existential thought.

Of course, it's a whole different talk when we are considering the possibility of the soul, but the outcome is nevertheless the same. A soul may serve as just another external stimulus to the brain, though it may be confused for the brain. For example, Stimulus A causes your brain to respond with Response A, but with a soul, Stimulus A + Stimulus B from the soul may cause your brain to respond with a Response B. Or, if you see the soul as an integral part of decision making, then personhood is simply a divided entity.

I wasn't referring to yourself as external from your brain. That's just... well... damn! lol


It's a double edged sword, introspection. But at the very least it gets you thinking about yourself. A lot of people will only ever do that when they reach a moment of crisis or tragedy, as they are unwilling to see anything that they don't like. Introspection is a prime opportunity for an honest appraisal of oneself. That, isolation is not so good. It kills you off slowly, the word I would use here is depersonalization. That combined with introspection is a recipe for catastrophe in my opinion.

Oh, yes. Agreed.


Well-known member
my theory is that us people with SA develop a kind of "social sparring partner" in our heads, as a result of not interacting enough with other people. It's necessary because we need to discuss and reflect on stuff in our lives. It's another vicious circle because we spend even less time developing an identity by interacting with other, and then become even more alienated.
Everybody has the capacity to keep oneself company to some extend this way, but only if necessary - for example I could never imagine myself blindly following a cult or religious group or something, but apparently spending 100% of ones time with other people in one, let's you be happy with the leaders telling you what is "right", "logical", etc
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Well-known member
my theory is that us people with SA develop a kind of "social sparring partner" in our heads, as a result of not interacting enough with other people. It's necessary because we need to discuss and reflect on stuff in our lives. It's another vicious circle because we spend even less time developing an identity by interacting with other, and then become even more alienated.
Everybody has the capacity to keep oneself company to some extend this way, but only if necessary - for example I could never imagine myself blindly following a cult or religious group or something, but apparently spending 100% of ones time with other people in one, let's you be happy with the leaders telling you what is "right", "logical", etc

I've always been fascinated by those ideas. To my thinking, one of the reasons its hard to be social is that you DO lose a part of your identity. You become part of a group and part of your identity is that group and it changes you and influences your thoughts. If the group is similiar to who you are originally, then it doesn't matter that much...but what if its a group that is vastly different to you, is it worth it to become part of that group and lose a huge chuck of yourself? Is the need to be a part of a group more important than the loss of part of your identity that we try so hard to hold on to?

Having said that, I think being a part of a group does give you a stonger identity or a conviction because its no longer yourself just believing it, but a bunch of other people too....but the problem is that its no longer your own thought and its subject to the group...that identity is less 'grounded' less controlled....and that might be why its so scary to lose, atleast for me.
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Well-known member
I know that may seem like a dumb question.
But the reality is, my brain made this topic.
I tried to have a contest with me and my brain. I said ok brain. Who is really in control me or you?
Well this is obviously a paradox because my brain controls what I think, but at the same time I feel like what I'm writing and what I think is outside my brain.
But it doesn't work. Your brain inside your body controls you.
It makes me wonder wtf is going on. What is life really? What is reality?
I can think something I don't think my brain can handle. But then I realize. It's you who controls me.
It's a fascination of life when you consider that a substance inside you creates you.
I am what my brain tells me. I write what my brain tells me. It's not me, but what my brain understands as truth.

What does your brain tell you right now to respond to this topic?

The brain is who you are and what makes your personality. yes your brain cannot live without the body but the body does not control the brain. The brain controls the body. Think of it as if your brain is a human being or aka (God). You can accomplish anything you your brain thinks up. Many believe the brain and the body are one in the same that is false. Thoughts come from memories inside the brain. What I am explaining is the body is just a (tool) to keep your brain alive, but the brain has control over all of it. The body does listen and confirm things the brain sends to it but no more no less. Think of it this way also have you ever seen the movie men in black. The part when J presses the aliens button behind the ear and the little guy is there for a brain. Same idea without the physical little guy. You're the person you are; not because of what your body is but whats in your brain (your environment also makes who you are but that is another tale). This also explains god which is made of three things. Society, the human brain, and The Earth. So when you pray you are actually just telling yourself to do something incognito because some people concise is not fully aware of who they are or the sub concise and concise are not speaking meaning most human do not fully have control of there mental capacity. I was born with my sub concise unlocked meaning my dreaming comes in when I am awake. Religion understands this and has shown you how to control your brain or sub concise. By praying and actually the other voice in your head is just you but the other you. So instead of getting on your knees and praying, stand up and just say your (name) I am the best and after repeated many times saying it you will believe it. Same thing with studying I learn by all three types of learning ways visual, kinesthetic, and audio. I rank even in all three eveningly this does not mean oh i am more audio thats the way I learn. Wrong you still have to do all three just not as much of the other two. Many believe the body is together with brain think and making decisions. Still wrong think of it as a computer. The motehrboard speaks to your body that is your concise. Your sub concise your higher function logic, math and so forth is the operating system. The operating system is more like thehigher function of a human. Were the ram processor graphics card and power supply are all a part of the brain. To pump the heart we as human must have a chemical reaction in the brain and send it to the heart in the womb of our mother. That is how life starts they have found out the body can not start on its own without the power supply. The body is a tool just like cloths. We can not live with out the hammer for it helps build the house and the house for the brain is the body. Why dress t up and make it look fancy just to show the other person that I am better you know when we are the same physically. Cloths should only be used as tools(the hammer) because they are tools and no less. So hear a voice don't think you're crazy its just you. Remember that it is important thats why so many schizos shoot people because they believe it to be a higher power they just aren't listening to the instincts which is primitive and we stop listening to that so we didn't kill each other. We just listen to our higher power and I also believe that is why I have bi polar because my instinct is trying to take over and my higher reasoning is saying no you aren't. I get depressed because my higher reason is sad that my instincts wont listen and my instinct get hyper because he arguing with my higher function. Its like a priest and a person of science arguing. The problem is I listen to the scientist in my brain and not the priest because the priest in my brain believes I should be died for thinking that I am an Atheist. Even though I don't need my paranoia and fear to be played by actual religion to be a good human. I am a good human because I understand my concise (high function). Instead of just listening to my sub concise (basic instincts). It can be switched around for some people. Thats the way I think it is anyways. The old saying is if you put your mind to it; it may happen if you put all of your mind into it. So if anyone needs a better explanation of this then pm we will talk. Oh the answer to life is to live your own way. Nothing more nothing less. Reality is what you make of it meaning that I have my own reality and when I die in an infinite amount of years my reality dies to. It keeps going for everyone else.
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Well-known member
#cosmosis - yes, for people with SA/SP it's kind of a big loss of identity / a big leap to join a group of some sort, because our identity is mostly based on our own thoughts and being alone. For outgoing people, it is worse to suddenly be alone if they have been in or been the leader of groups all their lives, I think.

Although I found out about SA online, It wasnt until I joined this website that I became more confident and accepting of being "different", and even in if this was actually a real "sickness" and if I could possibly have it.
I dont interact alot here, other than post in threads. Chatting is very foreign to me. It is nice to be a part of though


New member
Noooooooooope....you said not to mention the soul buttt...
Did you know the mind isn't in the brain ( I believe your conscious is part of your brain ) , and your forgetting that there are theories of that ,everyone and everything around us is just an ocean or stream of concuiosness or if I may correct that term, we might be connected through some sort of conscious power source or stratigical move( meaning that's how god made us bondable or connected somehow to each other or thats how he can communicate or connect us in some way throu consciousness), and no we are not our brain our brain is us!!!!!!!The brain is part of us and like the other dude said it does some things by itself and we can control it to do other things as we please as well- and remember we can't access 100 percent of brain abilities!- and since the brain is part of our soul- the you- so is our concious( I believe in god btw or gods I mean this world is so ****ed up, no I haven't seen him or anything I'm not religious I have prayed and he hasn't et me down and I never have asked for something huge with it not happening hehehe, I ask for small things and they come true ask and I'll explain, I mean this world is so ****ed up and we have no one to really truly protect any of us and if there are or is something they aren't , and we are still****ing alive and breathing coincidence I think not or it could be something else but w/e, I think he or they made us and everything and looks out for us every once in a while..))
Our bodies are mear tools to what we call this world of ours
Our souls our trapped in a cage of human body's
But we are so used to it and so comfortable with it that if we were able to leave the if I may say "human world" we wouldn't want to unless it were for something better we are afraid of what we do not understand, I mean you can't tell that deep deep deep down you don't feel like something's wrong ,you don't know what it is but there, and if you only knew that ,that deep deep deep down that's actually you. I can only describe it as your soul, that very ver very tiny but existent and persistent part that makes you and reflects who you are no matter in what planet dimension space or time your in ,,...thats you-
Like I can hear my voice in my head and i can talk to myslef but i cant communicate with others and that other stuff ..but if I say something like move your arm it doesnt move or move your leg it dowsnt move , my body doesnt respond that's just nonsense , and I can imagine a whole movie bymyself and make worlds and dreams in my head but they never come to life maybe I'm not using the right languages maybe body doesn't understand that language but it feels real inside, our body reflects who your are but not 100


New member
Uuuuuuu and it funny that you say that because that how we should all be , like kids , wih that mind set of being forever young and following thuu because we have so much more to grow as people and souls and etc.. I mean rules aren't bad they are so useful but hey aren't use vet well by us humans, that why kids don't want grow up sometimes because it like the more the grow they more rules there are to follow and the more they're being put into a box were taught to hide the things that we don't like about ourselfs. I don't freakin read or do drugs Im not religious or depressed or super smart or dumb nor am I spiritual or am into that funny stuff but I do very much believe in the spiritual world and happy awesome place that are very much neglected from!


Well-known member
Well i mean you are your brain. Your personality, everything is made up of how your brain is wired. All your past experiences and how you've dealt with them make up your personality. I'm always philosophizing about this sort of thing, you know what really am i. But i think I have come to the point where now I think I am just existing along with everything else that exists its just certain things have evolved more than others and have these things called brains which make them do stuff and think stuff. But everything your doing right now is your brain... it's controlling everything and thinking everything and remembering everything. You just have this skin your controlling. It's like a suit. Your like a mecha i guess LOL!