I know that may seem like a dumb question.
But the reality is, my brain made this topic.
I tried to have a contest with me and my brain. I said ok brain. Who is really in control me or you?
Well this is obviously a paradox because my brain controls what I think, but at the same time I feel like what I'm writing and what I think is outside my brain.
But it doesn't work. Your brain inside your body controls you.
It makes me wonder wtf is going on. What is life really? What is reality?
I can think something I don't think my brain can handle. But then I realize. It's you who controls me.
It's a fascination of life when you consider that a substance inside you creates you.
I am what my brain tells me. I write what my brain tells me. It's not me, but what my brain understands as truth.
What does your brain tell you right now to respond to this topic?
Sorry to say this, but your question "what controls you? Is it you or your brain?" talks not only about your confused state of mind, but also your lack of understanding about who you really are, which in other words lack of spiritual knowledge and lastly what you understand by the term "brain".
The brain does not control what we think. First of all, we do not "think". It is rather a process that happens in the mind continuously and spontaneously whether we are aware of it or not. The conscious or reasoning mind focuses only on those thoughts that are of interest to us or what we fear or worry. We simply focus our attention on the thoughts we choose. That does not mean we or the mind create the thoughts or that the brain creates them.
1] Brain is a physical part of the body whose function is that of an interpreter. The brain interprets the thoughts to us which then make us either feel happy or sad or angry which shows as a reaction in our physical body. If I write something here in my native language Hindi, your brain will not be able to interpret it and therefore you will be indifferent to what I wrote.
2] Also the brain does not tell us to take action on what it interprets. We have something called "intelligence" that decides our actions.
I think what you mean by "brain" is actually intelligence. Our intelligence decides what action to take on the basis of the interpretation in the brain, our own past experiences and how focused we are on a particular thought.
I responded to this post because my intelligence told me to do so. If I had a bad past experience from online forums, my intelligence would have warned me against responding.
So now the answer to the question who controls us, it is our intelligence. Intelligence is not brain for animals and birds also have a brain. It is also not mind. It is associated with the soul. When we are calm and relaxed in the mind, the intelligence is able to take the right decision.
When our conscious mind is focusing on the negative thoughts and the brain is busy creating negative emotions in the physical body, the decision taken by the intelligence will be always wrong.
What I have written is what I have come to understand from my study on spirituality. I may be wrong.