What are you living for?


Well-known member
I live to live life... Nothing more... Lets face it not everything will go the way you want in life and probably none of your desires will ever come true... So whenever a chance comes for you to enjoy life and do something new and interesting go for it and dont miss it... I dont care about the future or my career... Get paid by the end of the month spend it on beer, fun and my cheap sports car... and a girl if i get one soon...
Right now the only thing keeping me going is the hope that after I finish college and get my own place I won't be so miserable. Also, just the fact that I am young and that I might have some good years ahead of me. Realistically, I know that independence will not make me happy and that my mental condition will probably not change that much as I get older.


Well-known member
I try to be contented with the simple things in life. A hot cup of tea or coa-coa, changes in the weather, good foods, entertainment, hobbies/talents, recreation, the love and affection of a pet (my two cats), visits and get togethers with close, trusted friends, even with cleaning and housekeeping. When it comes to negative feelings and thought patterns, it's important to not allow it too much room to fester and grow by getting busy as a way to interrupt as quickly as possible, and when necessary actively counteract negative thoughts with more positive ones. When that doesn't help, just distancing oneself and allow self-acceptance and self-love in as much as possible. It takes some effort sometimes but it does work.


Well-known member
What am I living for?

To serve my God to the best of my ability, to be a good wife and help meet o my husband, and to be a good mother to my children.


Well-known member
"Because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."


Well-known member
the world has been burning since the dawn of mankind, so might as well enjoy the good things in it and paitently pass thru the bad times... Shit i wish i started thinking like that a long time ago, i would've had a better life..


Well-known member
living to improve my life.. i wana experience what others experience, the ups and downs


Some people say I'm no good
laying in my bed all day
but when the night times comes I'm ready to rock
and roll my troubles away
I don't care if the sun don't shine
I know I'm gonna see it trough
I don't care what nobody says
I'm tell you what I'm gonna do

I'm gonna live for the music
give it everything you got
live for the music you know you're gonna find a lot
to ease my mind

now you may say I'm a mean mistreater
say I never treat you right
but sooner or later I'm gonna get to ya , baby
I don't wanna fuss and fight
hey baby gimme good lovin
do it to me all night long
any old thing gonna make me happy
long as I can sing my song

I'm gonna live for the music
give it everything you got
live for the music you know you're gonna find a lot
to ease my mind


Well-known member
Pretty much nothing these days. I am more flat and uninspired than I have probably ever been. I'm pretty much just counting down the days. It seems as if my best days are over and I live with regret knowing that I never did enjoy them. I'm just plodding along to a sad tune which will end one day.


Well, two people had unprotected sex and brought me into this world. So I just live cause I don't feel like I ever really had a choice to begin with.


Well-known member
I'm living for my parents and sisters. They're the only people I feel good around. Everyone else is just there and getting in my way.
I too pretty much feel like everything is pointless even waking up.
my dreams basically are all im living for,
im atleast gonna try to change things before i die..you know.


I live because thats what I did yesterday and the day before that and most likely what ill do tomorrow.
Thanks everyone, I'm feeling so much better overnight after reading all your posts. Youngglarry1977, I'm sorry I didn't realize I could kill somebody's inspiration, I hope I haven't. Everyone seems to have made their own little world to live for, so that's what I'm gonna do. Thanks to each one who's replied. And I loved the video, I had watched it here before but it makes much more sense when you need it the most.

I hope I didnt come off insensitive, We all need one another in one fashion or another. I believe we all kind of bounce off of eachother the positive and negative and can at least have dialogue to help us through a bad time, yes even when that bad time is every waking moment. Hell I was inspired to put my 2 cents in by your post. So in turn you got my wheels turning a bit. Lifes sucks for me now but I gotta hold on for my family. I am now beginning Pristiq, Klonopin and maybe if Im lucky Ill get some Adderal XR. Stay in touch, god knows I need it .Larry