Watery eyes?


Well-known member
Does anyone else get watery or glossy eyes a lot? Not from being sad but some sort of trigger from anxiety?

I have noticed I get it all of the time now, when people talk to me, when I go out in public. It is starting to annoy the heck out of me.


Well-known member
I never really get watery eyes from anxiety. If I get them at all, it's because I'm either (a) sad, (b) tired in the morning, or (c) the wind has blown in my face so much that it causes me to tear up.


Well-known member
I remember at some stage, people commenting on the fact that I had watery eyes or looked like I was about to cry, for no particular reason. I also had blurry vision and had to rub my eyes/blink to get rid of the water in my eyes.
Doesn't happen too often anymore.


Well-known member
Not usually.

However getting watery eyes from wearing contact lenses is a different story...


Well-known member
I've had instances where my eyes have started to water for no apparent reason (hasn't happened in a really long time) but I'm not sure if it was due to anxiety or anything like that. IDK.


Well-known member
This happens to me, as a result of my anxiety. If someone if being confrontational towards me, or I have a hard time with a client at work, my eyes start to water and my throat kinda closes up, like I'm about ready to burst into tears.


Yeah, I've also had that. It stopped when I made more progress and my anxiety levels became lower.

Watery eyes and dry mouth. The wrong way around ;)
water water everywhere

Happens to me almost daily, or atleast almost everytime I go outside. Not to do with anxiety, I don't know why there would be any connection between that at all? Mine start watering because of the light. So I just have to wear sunglasses whenever I go outside, and avoid places with all the lights on, ack!!! It's kind of annoying since it happens so often but I don't care that much. The only problem is that if I rub my eye my hand becomes black. [/B]


Well-known member
I think sometimes it does have to do with wanting to burst into tears. Like if I observe somebody who just went through or is in an extremely awkward moment or has the feeling of getting duped , it happens or it seems to.
It happens to me sometimes for no reason at all, and it gets so bad there's tears dripping down my face...One time that happened to me in the middle of class lol it was embarrassing


Well-known member
yep happens to me. and it has nothing to do with wanting to cry. i think in some weird way it has to do with anxiety. i remember in school when we had to look at the flag while saying the pledge of allegiance, my eyes would get very watery and they would burn a little. i know i would blink and stuff so that shouldnt of been an issue. like dry eyes or something. and i know i wasnt sad. and i probably stare and my computer a lot longer and probably go without blinking for awhile. and my eyes dont get watery.
so yeah, having to look at a stupid flag and recite this stupid thing made me uncomfortable. oh yeah and a lot of times i couldnt even look at the flag cause it made my eyes burn too much. like i had to keep looking away. it had nothing to do with the flag though! i just couldnt keep looking at it for that long for some reason. everyone else seemed able to though. and im sure there have been other times when my eyes were watery for different reasons.
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I have this problem sometimes when out in public places, but I was never really sure if it was allergies or some weird coincidence.