Wanna be a hobbit?


Well-known member
I wouldn't fit this criteria for a hobbit but holy f*ck that would be awesome. LOTR fan big time.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
i want a hobbit hole! new zealand must be awful pretty if it really looks like it does in the movies.the books were great. hobbits throw too many parties though! not good for social phobia


Well-known member
Tempting though it is, as I live in NZ I think I'd give that a pass. Dressing up like a hobbit is not the way I'd care to draw attention to myself.


Well-known member
Tempting though it is, as I live in NZ I think I'd give that a pass. Dressing up like a hobbit is not the way I'd care to draw attention to myself.

My love of Lord of the Rings cancels out my SA. Perhaps I should live in Middle Earth fulltime?


Well-known member
"Cold be heart hand and bone, cold be travelers far from home... They do not see what lies ahead where the sun has faded and the moon is dead..."

"You're late.... A wizard is never late Frodo Baggins, nor is he early... he arrives precisely when he means to..."

"Too risky...too risky.... thieves they stole it from us.. Kill them...kill them...KILL THEM BOTH!!! Shhhhh.... Quiet musn't wake them, musn't ruin it now. But they knows they kinows they suspects us! What's it saying my precious my love, is Smeagol losing his nerve? No...Not...NEVER!! Smeagol hates nasty hobittsas, Smeagol wants to see them....dead. And we will, Smeagol did it once, he can do it again. It's ours, it's ours... We must get the precious, we must get it back. First we must lead them to her.... We lead them to the winding stairs? Yes...the stairs. and then? Up up up up the stairs we go, until we come to the tunnel... And when they go in, there's no coming out. She's always hungry, she always needs to feed, she must eat all she gets is filthy orcsas and they doesn't taste very nice does they precious? No, not very nice at all my love. She hungers for sweeter meats, hobbit meats. And when she throws away the bones and empty clothes, then we will find it and take it for ME!!! For us...Yes, we...we meant for us. The precious will be ours once the hobbitsas are DEAD! "

What is "Lord of The Rings" ? Haha! LMAO

Sorry, I am 5'6" tall... Not 3'4" tall with big hairy feet... Not even short enough to be a dwarf....but it is common believe that dwarves just spring from the ground! Haha!

Na...I don't even like the movie... (Yeah, right....) Haha! I am obsessed with LOTR... Love it! Peter Jackson is a God to me!
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