visited hs


Well-known member
so i graduated a couple years ago and realized i still have a music book from a teacher that was actually nice. and yesterday i went to drop it off. i was really anxious getting there. everyone was basically mean during the year i graudated. i remember going to a play and the the usher would look at my weird and everyone in the hallway would push me around. the teachers even would say that i seemed odd and one teacher would feel bad for me and even said i could have lunch with him so i wouldn't be by myself. the cheerleaders were also obnoxious and the guys would say i'm a fake because i wore abercrombie one day. now everyone appears to be nice.. even the "popular people." the "geeks geeks" thought i was too werid to hangout with them so i was a "loner". it's like walking through an elementary school now....i see the people i went to hs with on facebook and they still seem like they did before. just think i graduated at a bad year....any1 agree? i think people born in different years are just different not joking...


Well-known member
i think the new generation is more compassionate to their peers at school. I don't think there's as much outcasting going on as there was 10 years ago when I was high school. I had it pretty rough in that regard. Don't kids all get along now? I don't know.


Well-known member
It's possible.
but also remember your older and most hs kids won't come off really mean to an adult they don't know.


Well-known member
i don't even know! all i know is that it seems like they keep getting sluttier and sluttier and start doing bad things a lot sooner than we used to! haha.. i think high school will always be the same in a lot of ways, where i'm from at least.. kids will always be immature and hate people they don't even know for really dumb reasons.. i never had issues in high school with people picking on me, even though i hung out with a bunch of the 'smart kids' but i wasn't in the honors classes with them.. i just hated high school because of the dumb rules. all our teachers cared about was dress code. and there were so many thugs and idiots who liked to make trouble constantly, so it was like the teachers were more worried about safety rather than schoolwork.... i dropped out of that sh!t and got my GED! ha!


Well-known member
High schoolers have no respect at all, at least around here. I was just on a walk around the lake near my house and some random high school girl walked over to me and started mimicking my walk alongside me (i was hunched slightly because of the 60 pounds of weights in my backpack). I turn to her to exclaim "WTF?" and she runs back to her pack of giggling friends.:rolleyes:


Well-known member
and the guys would say i'm a fake because i wore abercrombie one day .

lol, I think that is funny that some people are insecure enough to try to keep others from trying new things

I really don't know if kids are more accepting of each other now, I know that adults seem to be.


Well-known member
I think that while you are still at school you are seen as being part of the schools social system and if you do not fit into any specific group you are seen as strange or a threat.

The moment you leave school you are no longer seen as part of this social system and that is why you are not expected to conform to it should you return as an outsider at a later stage.

I think the kids in today's schools have exactly the same amount of social pressure put on them by their peers, but you as an outsider will not notice it as you are not part of the social system. I also believe that a lot of people begin to develop social phobia as a result of the ridicule and bullying they are subjected to in the schooling system as a result of being different or not conforming to this social systems rules.


Well-known member
haha I blocked out HS from my memory, quite successfully I must say.
I have since left the country I'd graduated from, so that page in history is done for me.

But I totally understand what you're saying...somehow, nowadays, if if I go back, the people who used to reject me from their friendship circles treat me with some respect. It's a nice breath of fresh air.

It kinda tells you something too...these people were a**holes because the environment at the time demanded it. But now that the social pressures are gone and they're grown up, they no longer feel averse towards the quiet people (e.g. me)


Well-known member
High schoolers have no respect at all, at least around here. I was just on a walk around the lake near my house and some random high school girl walked over to me and started mimicking my walk alongside me (i was hunched slightly because of the 60 pounds of weights in my backpack). I turn to her to exclaim "WTF?" and she runs back to her pack of giggling friends.:rolleyes:

That is so pathetic it makes me nauseous

You should've unleashed a torrent of insults her way. I can just see myself telling that bi*ch off...


Well-known member
one teacher would feel bad for me and even said i could have lunch with him so i wouldn't be by myself. the cheerleaders were also obnoxious and the guys would say i'm a fake because i wore abercrombie one day. now everyone appears to be nice.. even the "popular people." the "geeks geeks" thought i was too werid to hangout with them so i was a "loner". it's like walking through an elementary school now
I can relate to a lot of this... Teachers sympathizing me... Being called a loner, outcast. You know, stuff like that. I even tried hanging with the geeks. But even with them I didnt feel accepted.
Though the teachers sympathizing me stopped, since all the teachers at my HS are total a**holes

High schoolers have no respect at all, at least around here. I was just on a walk around the lake near my house and some random high school girl walked over to me and started mimicking my walk alongside me (i was hunched slightly because of the 60 pounds of weights in my backpack). I turn to her to exclaim "WTF?" and she runs back to her pack of giggling friends.:rolleyes:
Also wow. I can totally imagine a highschool girl doing that. -.- Its happened with me once. I was just sitting on a bench waiting for my ex (when we were still dating... Though she bailed on me that day because of her psycho parents) and these girls come sit next to me. I just ignore them though; knowing they're just trying to bug me. My headphones were both in too, since I got bored of waiting. They eventually left like 5 minutes later though.


Well-known member
That is so pathetic it makes me nauseous

You should've unleashed a torrent of insults her way. I can just see myself telling that bi*ch off...

I normally would have but the area was packed with people. I thought I would probably be chastised for insulting kids so much younger than me. It would have felt good to tell them off though. My social phobia always leaves me wishing I had said something I didn't. I just can't understand the mindset of people like this.:confused:


Well-known member
haha I blocked out HS from my memory, quite successfully I must say.
I have since left the country I'd graduated from, so that page in history is done for me.

But I totally understand what you're saying...somehow, nowadays, if if I go back, the people who used to reject me from their friendship circles treat me with some respect. It's a nice breath of fresh air.

It kinda tells you something too...these people were a**holes because the environment at the time demanded it. But now that the social pressures are gone and they're grown up, they no longer feel averse towards the quiet people (e.g. me)

Sounds like it turned out well..i enjoy traveling too, but haven't moved permantely. i still live in the same area and dislike it. well, it's better than hating it before. i just don't want to run into anyone from hs again. i agree the environment had a lot to do with it. a crowd of people in a class with some people you don't like for various reasons stuck with you for a few hours from class to class. plus getting up early and having a crappy lunch and getting "encouraged" to join aful clubs to stay longer with annoying people, which the teachers had no control over basically. ok i'm done :D