But...he's already said in this thread you just have to pm him and ask for one.
But...he's already said in this thread you just have to pm him and ask for one.
It's for fun. I am not popular, but I have a title... How do you explain that?. So nope... I don't think it's a matter of popularity. You already know those who have been here for a long time... or those who are more active, so you know they won't mind it if you randomly give them a title. But the less active users and the newer ones have less chances to receive one, because you don't know if they might want it or they will feel annoyed by it. You can't know all the people in the forum and how they might react... That is my theory about why some ones have titles and some haven't. Am I right?.
^ There's a chatroom that works here? How do find that?
^ There's a chatroom that works here? How do find that?
Well, of course, I've done that...but no one is ever there. I thought maybe there was a secret chatroom somewhere I didn't know about....
Well, of course, I've done that...but no one is ever there. I thought maybe there was a secret chatroom somewhere I didn't know about....
That's where they come from...I assumed it was something that changed once a person reached a certain number of posts like other forums. Sounds fun anyway.
That's not a bad reason for it.
(makes a note to start brown-nosing Remus in hopes of getting "titled")
I always wondered where those title thingies came from.
I think they are more fun now, knowing that the user didn't make them up themselves!
(makes a note to start brown-nosing Remus in hopes of getting "titled")