My big news for right now is that on Friday night I ate one half of a very special cookie and it was absolutely brilliant.
I suppose turning 30 made me think I might never go back to cookies... I mean, one tiny little indulgence over an 11 year period was pretty much it-- from 24 to 36, nothing. I smoked for a while and then got falling-down drunk maybe 20 times over that entire period. I was also wayyy too depressed/lonely and living in a country where it's impossible to get/seriously illegal... but I always craved it, if only to escape from the general oppressiveness of such a conservative society. Alcohol is not a kind drug. Smoking is poison. But cookies are magic.
And now in the afterglow of Friday's psychic excursion, I am in a better place. I confess, I plan on doing it again. And possibly again. And then perhaps a few more times. Until I die, get bored or go insane.
I know what some people on here think about cookies and maybe this post will be deleted, but I haven't felt so great in a very long time... even after the cookie was no longer in effect.
I got a little (okay, more than a little) paranoid for a while because I did it so late and couldn't sleep, but I woke up feeling absolutely amazing and the cheerfulness continued over into yesterday and today as well.
My anxiety levels had been creeping upwards for a while but now they're low again. I'm not saying it's a proper medication and not endorsing it at all, but yeah-- it was fantastic and so so so so so much fun.
I think the best part of it all was just finally feeling like my critical facilities had been turned off and I could just lay back and enjoy things. I spent most of the time with my headphones on, quietly rocking out to this super psychedelic mix I made... and it wasn't just music, it was a lot of color and movement and rhythm.
That's what I love about cookies... everything is there and it's the same, but it's moreso. Everything is alive with its own energy, and that energy is brilliant, and every movement and gesture and glance isn't just what it is, it continues beyond and evolves with a grace that is organic and vivid and rich with color and texture, and it playfully travels around the mind's eye until it connects with thoughts and dreams and memories, whichever it resembles the most... and they fertilize each other and cause each other to grow stronger. I suppose the flip side is that this can happen to negative thoughts as well.
But it's like there's just so much energy and life that you don't even have time to think about it or make too many judgments-- you just let it happen and be a part of it and stare at it all with childlike wonder. I had practically forgotten what it was like... I guess that this was a lot stronger than the usual stuff, but so much the better. I actually feel on the verge of believing in God again.
I mean, I was getting there before this, but yeah... there is more going on than just what we see. We are not in the dark, nothing is just there. Some people would say I have been deceived by a distortion, but I'm way ahead of you-- there are no distortions, no truths, no permanent rules. It's all magic and joy and inspiration and love... that's the good stuff. And it's always there, in absolutely everything... along with all the fear and darkness and such.
So yes, when I used to eat cookies in the past, it was always about listening to music... because I knew how much better it made it. But in all of those 11 years I spent making money in Asia and slowly growing to despise myself physically, psychologically, emotionally, ethnically and culturally while also rejecting with extreme prejudice the idea that I was special or magical or spiritual in any way... I also amassed all of this amazing music that had yet to be heard in that fashion. And now I have heard some of it, and wowowowowowowowowowow.
I am a simple man, I confess.
The following day I sat down with a guitar and new songs just poured out of me. It was like this profound release that I haven't had in a realllly long time... and even if I end up hating the songs, it was good to feel like I could just play and release and not think it was stupid or annoying or that I should just stop kidding myself and do something grown up.
I feel like recently whenever I try to be creative I hold myself back by telling myself it sounds shitty, or it's not a good idea, or it's too silly or childish or whatever... I don't spend enough time just letting this stuff flow out of me, and I realize that some of the stuff I let go of is actually good if I look at it from another point of view... like maybe it's too simple, but then sometimes simple is good. Or it's all very depressing, but then it can actually have a ray of hope in it if I just change things around a little.
So yes, I am pretty happy at the moment... I am going to make this a weekly thing, if possible.
It's good to have rituals.
Here's the soundtrack, if you're interested:
Not sure if this is allowed on this forum or not, but it's a great mix. I added extra echo, reverb and some sound effects to make it extra psychedelic.