University Criminology survey


Well-known member
I agree with Nathaniel. Funneling members of this forum to your survey is certainly going to affect the results you receive. Unless it's part of your study to compare the answers from Social Phobia suffers against others, than this survey is going to be rather useless at representing the views and opinions of the average person. (Social Phobia sufferers only make up, what, 3% of the population? You're doing a study on the average person and fear of crime, by taking your study from a minority group.)
Opposed Retribution

I took the Survey on Deterrence. Are you someone who is actually going to post here, or just wants us to take the survey? Anyways, Good luck!


Well-known member
I agree with Nathaniel. Funneling members of this forum to your survey is certainly going to affect the results you receive. Unless it's part of your study to compare the answers from Social Phobia suffers against others, than this survey is going to be rather useless at representing the views and opinions of the average person. (Social Phobia sufferers only make up, what, 3% of the population? You're doing a study on the average person and fear of crime, by taking your study from a minority group.)

I agree with you and Nathaniel...


New member
Valid points. will have to look into the validity of some of the results.

But thank you all for completing it, it will help me a lot. :)
