UK the worst place in the world!


Well-known member
I like the mild winters we get and the not too hot summers.

The only bad thing about the UK now is the amount of shootings and stabbings that occur somewhere every week! I suppose I'm lucky living in a rural part of Wales where so far there has been no crime.


Well-known member
I don't know about the worst but it is a hell of a rip off place to live in.

Coming from Australia to live in the UK, I was struck by the lack of variety in food choices, especially Korean, Japanese and other East Asian cousine. Eating out costs me an arm and a leg whereas my disposable income back in Australia (even with a part time job whilst at uni) could buy me loads more. Apparently food here (your basic produce)is price fixed by the fat cat distributors ripping off the farmers and customers at both ends!? I lost about 5 kg in weight after coming here (about a dress size)

The pay in retail is disgraceful to say the least. I thought people were taking the piss.

The transport is also appalling. In the past weeks trains travelling in and around greater manchester have been late everyday, buses are shit. That's what you get for privatising public infrastructure.

Oh and I second the poster above, I see like a new stabbing/shooting/shoving innocent man into bonfire/pushing mentally ill person off bridge/honour killing your relative incident in the Metro every day - geez I thought english ppl were reserved lol. Maybe it's the 24 hour alcohol licensing...

Oh well, at least the weather is good ... :?

woops i forgot i already posted before


Well-known member
I think there are worse places to live than England. What I like about this country is:

-winter is not too cold
-fish and chips
-big music scene and plently of concerts
-decent salary
- respecting the queues by members of public
- people generally seems to be helpful

I do not like:
-overcrowded trains
-most of the people I have met were mealy-mouth hypocrites
- no loyalty between people ( slag themselves off on a regular basis)


Well-known member
gosh, ive ALWAYS wanted to live in the UK. im shocked to hear that a lot of you dont like it there!
Those english accents are just lovely!! I love them so much. of course thats not the only reason why i like it, hehe. it just seems like a quit safe place to be. seems like everyone there is really nice...even though i wouldnt really know.

when i think of the UK i picture this...

when i think of where i live...well i just think of trashy, boring, hot and dry california. the people suck. everyone here wants to be a little "gangster". its ridiculous! i just dont see it as a safe place really...well i guess in the city i live in anyway. too much violence, too much hate going on

also, another example....



and plus, im obssessd with harry potter! lol. when i think of the uk, i think of harry POTTER!! i know, dumb right. but whatever, i still like it there


Well-known member
SleepingBeauty said:
gosh, ive ALWAYS wanted to live in the UK. im shocked to hear that a lot of you dont like it there!
Those english accents are just lovely!! I love them so much. of course thats not the only reason why i like it, hehe. it just seems like a quit safe place to be. seems like everyone there is really nice...even though i wouldnt really know.

when i think of the UK i picture this...

when i think of where i live...well i just think of trashy, boring, hot and dry california. the people suck. everyone here wants to be a little "gangster". its ridiculous! i just dont see it as a safe place really...well i guess in the city i live in anyway. too much violence, too much hate going on

also, another example....



and plus, im obssessd with harry potter! lol. when i think of the uk, i think of harry POTTER!! i know, dumb right. but whatever, i still like it there

How can you compare Cali with a whole country (UK)? That's the beauty of the states, they're all very different.


Well-known member
of course there are many beautiful places here, but ive just always been fascinated with the UK. and im not really comparing the whole entire US to the UK, Just exactly where i live i guess. i dont think it matters where i am in the U.S., i will always have this likeing for the U.K.


Well-known member
I get depressed when people ask me where I am and I tell them I'm in the UK. :( I used to go out a lot when I was younger, now it's just the same old places, there's not really anywhere I want to go to anymore (and it's not like I know how to enjoy myself even if I do go), plus it's so cold. I don't like anything about this place, well except maybe Fish & Chips. But even that I'm starting to find expensive. :? 8O


A 'learned man' from history whom I prefer not to name said something along the lines that everything we do and say is a distraction from having to accept the awful truth which is that life is interminably boring. This was the price we had to pay for our transistion from hunter gatherer to crop farmer. We had to sit and wait for the seasons to change, instead of following the seasons across the globe.

Boring..but safe. Lifes always a trade off isn't it.


Well-known member
England probably isn't that bad, i mean why else would so many people come here. You just have to go out and find something to do.........not always easy if your anxious about going outside lol.......but Devon is pretty nice, it's got a bit of everything really........from beaches to moorland, cities to single houses in the middle of nowhere etc......every season is nice here and it's not that cold........oh no -3 centigrade lol most places this latitude will see nothing but snow.