To state that women are all racist is a fallacy and completely untrue.
People, regardless of gender, tend to date inside their ethnic group. As a Latina myself, I can tell you I have found men of all races and ethnic groups attractive.
However, I have only had had two men in my life and both of them were also Latino. I think that what draws people to those like themselves is familiarity and acceptance. You're comfortable and you know what you're going into to.
In my case, i am open to dating men of different ethnicities. Race would never be a deterrent to accepting a potential partner.
Also, culturally I am Mexican. Catholic, and with a mostly monolingual Spanish speaking family. All of this also plays a role in choosing a potential partner. To me, its a package deal. Family is part of the deal. So is being Catholic, you don't have to believe, but you do have to respect my beliefs. Culture is a big part of my identity, and I think this is true for many ethnic groups, which is why many times it is easier to date someone whom fully understands and you won't feel additional pressure or fear of acceptance.
I have many cousins whom are beautiful successful women that are married to black men. My brother is married to a biracial black woman, and we have different ethnic groups whom have also married into the family.
I don't think that being black is your problem. I think its your anger and self hate. I acknowledge and recognize that the standards of beauty have reflected those of European descent for many years. And it will most likely continue.
But, you don't have to let that define you. I look white. I was blond as a kid, with green eyes... And I hated it. See, I grew up seeing beauty in the women that looked like my grandmother. Indigenous, with black hair, and black eyes, filled with kindness and belief in the magical.
It wasn't until I got older that I started to see what everyone else perceived as beautiful. And my own self hate was born.
But we can't blame anyone else for not having what we want. You yourself have said you don't feel attracted to black women due to the social beauty standards placed by society. You acknowledge that and chose to continue to perpetuate those beliefs by accepting them and abiding by them. Yet, you call women racist pigs?
I think that your difficulty in attracting women is not race based, but attitude driven.