Ahhh today was a great day filled with activities

. It's funny,.. I just realized how much I normally don't do when everyone is not here. We saw a movie, went out to dinner, went to get cake (yum) and played countless board games and my little sister tried to play borderlands 2 for the first time. Also, we played this new story cube game and it's so funny to see what my family comes up with. ..... It feels good to just laugh.
I just finished watching this movie called from up on poppy hill, I've never seen it before but I really liked it. The house is sound asleep right now and I am wide awake, as usual. It seems I can never sleep.....
So right now I'm just relaxing while the house is quiet. Listening to music and trying to finish this baby blankie that I'm knitting for my "friend's" baby London. ( I know, I know, knitting is supposed to be an old granny hobby) hahaha. I haven't worked on it in a while but I'm almost done.
Tuesday is walk in day for the school. I think I'm just going to get my GED because, honesty, I dont think I'll ever need a diploma... Not that I don't want to get mine, it's just ... Mm, I don't know.... Anyway I'm super nervous but I'm just enrollind and not starting so I guess I should calm down.
Sorry for jumping to too many subjects all in one post, I feel like I do that often aha. ..