my addictions are pretty unhealthy..
cigarettes =/
sleeping pills
the sims
Compared to sound very healthy
This list used to contain like cocaine and other things, but I drastically slowed down, I really don't do anything but weed anymore, but I consider myself addicted to these substances because I still subconsciousness crave them and relapse every now and then. Everyone wants to be your friend if you have drugs....:

Heroin (anything that gets made into morphine in the body)
Moderate booze (not the everyday drinking I used to do)
McDonalds Deluxe Breakfast (it's my coffee, methadone makes me crave sugar in the mornings, and this helps)
And Xbox360
I'm surprised more people don't have serious addictions on this forum like me. Honestly I started doing drugs to be more accepted. I litterally remember thinking AT 12 (if I had some weed/heroin/drug I would be more confident), then I learned people wanna be your friends if you can get drugs...well "friend". Or maybe some on here do and don't admit it, I don't care, it's who I am unfortenatly, i'm not proud, but I'm not gonna ostrisize myself over it, I'm open about it now (well not to my family hah)