Nyeehhhh, what's up Doc? ::p: Oranges~
coyote Well-known member Nov 21, 2010 #162 Reminds me of living in Southern California. torque wrench
NathanielWingatePeaslee Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Staff member Nov 21, 2010 #163 Reminds me of working on my old bomber. games
DespairSoul Well-known member Nov 21, 2010 #165 “For me being depressed means you can spend all day in bed, and still not get a good night’s rest.” eathian Teddy bear
“For me being depressed means you can spend all day in bed, and still not get a good night’s rest.” eathian Teddy bear
coyote Well-known member Nov 21, 2010 #166 DespairSoul said: “For me being depressed means you can spend all day in bed, and still not get a good night’s rest.” eathian Click to expand... sounds like my day today I still have mine from when i was small. Strawberry jam
DespairSoul said: “For me being depressed means you can spend all day in bed, and still not get a good night’s rest.” eathian Click to expand... sounds like my day today I still have mine from when i was small. Strawberry jam
NathanielWingatePeaslee Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Staff member Nov 21, 2010 #168 Best in small doses, carefully measured. soylent green
EasySkanking 1 Nov 21, 2010 #170 Possible food source in the future :x armpits! Edit: Darn, coyote beat me to it!! I don't know what the hell he posted is lol Oh, beer? If so, a beer I haven't yet had. Again, armpits! Last edited: Nov 21, 2010
Possible food source in the future :x armpits! Edit: Darn, coyote beat me to it!! I don't know what the hell he posted is lol Oh, beer? If so, a beer I haven't yet had. Again, armpits!
coyote Well-known member Nov 21, 2010 #171 One of the sexiest parts of a woman. Leinenkugel's (use google)
EscapeArtist Well-known member Nov 22, 2010 #177 can be used as needle and thread in survival situations (too much survivorman) snow
coyote Well-known member Nov 22, 2010 #179 Have damaged my hearing after wearing them 8 hours a day at work for 10 years. antelope