To tell or not to tell?


Well-known member
That is the question.

Sometimes I feel like it would be easier to tell people about my anxiety. But, wouldn't it make my life even worse instead of better? I'm wondering what to do... I don't want to lie. Did any of you told someone that you have SA?


Pirate from the North Pole
I feel like telling it is like giving yourself and others a reason for you to stay miserable and not try to do better, but it's just my opinion


Well-known member
I really think it helps.. your not carrying this huge burden alone, and your friends/family/coworkers/peers will realize that your not weird or stuck up, but merely shy and a bit nervous. :) I told my peers in grad school in a presentation and i did get some mixed reviews, but the majority of them were understanding that sometimes i needed my space.

its really up to you. :) good luck with what ever you do.


Well-known member
If you're looking for some understanding, you most likely won't get that from someone who isn't shy or generally anxious. Just from my experience, they don't get why certain things are a big deal, and in the end I felt more alone and like a freak. But if you really want to open up, I think it's best to find someone who's similar to you. It would ease the stress from loneliness but not significantly turn your life around.


Well-known member
I tell people, but I tell them in passing. In general I find people won't make a big deal out of it if you don't. I also have a visual handicap (can't see 3D) and it's the same thing, people might get a little curious if they've never heard of it before but otherwise it doesn't bother them... they've got their own challenges, I'm sure.

That's the extent to which I talk about it, though. When I really want to pour my heart out, I go on forums instead ; )


Well-known member
I told everyone, with a quite a few people, obviously that was a wasted effort on my part. Then there were people who were really good, so it wasn't completely a pointless exercise.


I only told my brother and mom, so that I at least have some people whom I can talk to about SA-related problems. I don't feel like telling other people though, 'cause a lot of people still seem to think that having mental problems is complete nonsense, does not exist, you're just talking crazy. :')


Well-known member
I haven't told anyone at all, not even my family. I actually never visit this site when they're nearby. I don't know why, but I just don't want to share it with anyone. Most people already know that I'm shy, and I'm just going to pretend it isn't a problem. I'd rather deal with it myself, I think.


Well-known member
I know in America there is a stigma against mental illnesses...I don't plan on telling anyone about it, and I never have.


Well-known member
I was so happy when my friend said he had social anxiety. It felt good not to be the only one.