tired of trying to be normal!!


im tired trying to be normal and sensible, i cant be bothered anymore, if i go to see a doctor he/she just sends me home with pills (which ive nothing against really)
when am i going to get sectioned? i feel like im missing out!!

theres politicians thieving money for houses they dont even fkn own (whats that all about)

people getting a LIFE SENTENCE for murder and then getting out 6 month later cause they behaved in the fkn jail!

tv licence!! why do we have to pay for that? its my tv! its not like im parking it in the fkn street

why do debt collectors keep wakening me up in the middle of the afternoon! they no fine well that there not going to get a penny out of me!


anyway ive decided im going to be crazy the rest of my life, and if anyone doesnt like it TUFF!


Well-known member
I also believe that rules are there to be broken! I'm with you because i'm totally crazy. Arggg damn society!


Well-known member
What is normal anyways?

One thing I always get annoyed of people are people who give those looks or talk down to people who are "different."

Heaven forbid someone go against the grain and go for what they want. Just do your thing dreamer. Sure you'll probably have to follow some laws and regulations, but everything else is up to you.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
I know!!! Its never good enough, so we all mine as well have some fun and go completely berserk. Ok, granted I'm not a very practical person. But what if you figured out a way to be self sufficient, you know, live out in the wild, or do something where you didnt rely on either an employer or customers. You wouldnt have to put on a front for anyone, not one single person. You could really mess with people. Everytime you saw someone coming your way, you wouldnt have to think, oh no, put up the front, hopefully they wont see my hands shaking. Instead, you could run dead at them and give them a good chase just for the hell of breaking up the monotony of their day. Something like that. Oh sorry about rambling. You're right dreamer, being normal isnt worth it. There's too much to put up with. So many tedious details and insane bureaucracy.


I know!!! Its never good enough, so we all mine as well have some fun and go completely berserk. Ok, granted I'm not a very practical person. But what if you figured out a way to be self sufficient, you know, live out in the wild, or do something where you didnt rely on either an employer or customers. You wouldnt have to put on a front for anyone, not one single person. You could really mess with people. Everytime you saw someone coming your way, you wouldnt have to think, oh no, put up the front, hopefully they wont see my hands shaking. Instead, you could run dead at them and give them a good chase just for the hell of breaking up the monotony of their day. Something like that. Oh sorry about rambling. You're right dreamer, being normal isnt worth it. There's too much to put up with. So many tedious details and insane bureaucracy.

living in the wild, ive thought about it so many times, i keep thinking of reasons not to, or excuses like i would have to come home once a month for my meds, what if i ate the wrong berries, etc,
about a week ago i was all set to just to go anywhere, my rucksack was packed i had my tent ready (which has now been stolen by 3 little bairns (kids). i could get a new one easy enough. its a question of have i got the guts or is it a fkn daft idea in the first place! i dont know.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
Me too, dreamer. whenever I go hiking I try to figure out if its a practical idea. I talk myself out of it too. If I knew how, I would.


Well-known member
Damn... Maybe I should do the same but I'm so scared of just being myself... Heck even when trying to act normal, I feel people still think I'm weird.


Well-known member
tv licence!! why do we have to pay for that? its my tv! its not like im parking it in the fkn street
Because the technology that is used to spread the information to the end-user TV devices needs to be maintained, and it's very prone to structural damage. It makes sense to let those pay for that who want to enjoy the entertainment that the technology makes possible.


Because the technology that is used to spread the information to the end-user TV devices needs to be maintained, and it's very prone to structural damage. It makes sense to let those pay for that who want to enjoy the entertainment that the technology makes possible.

thats what advertising is for, if bbc had adverts we wouldnt have to pay anything!
most other countries dont have to pay for a tv licence!
i would be happy to pay the 13 pounds a month if it all went to charity, not straight into some rich guys pocket!


Well-known member
Normal is overrated. People who march to their own beat are a lot funner to hang out with anyways. :D

very true there, of course everybody is unique, but people that belong to a certain trend or group will act very similar in a lot of the things they do/interests they have. people who try not to care what others think as much, and do whatever they want to do regardless, are the ones that are more interesting, open minded, and find their own way in life in my eyes.