time to change !

Well my life has been on hold with SA and I was getting better but now it's time to change. time to say I can do this. I'm sick of living a life of fear and anxiety. I'm sick of not doing things I want to do.

I can not work, go out to public places and my redness and sweating is causing me issues. So today I put my foot down and no more... If I do not make this happen no one else will and then what ????

from today I'm going to challenge myself to get rid of this evil in my body.

This is my plan and this might change all depending on how I feel..

Today I will start exercising 1 hour per day every day.
I will start and stay on 5mg Lexapro
I will expose myself to situations that cause my SA issues.
I will talk with some one about my issues.
I will change my diet.

So this might sound like a lot but if I bit this off slowly I know I can atleast get out of this rut I'm in and it is a rut to make a difference.

Friday -
* I ran this morning for 5km
* I started on 5mg Lexapro
* I will go out to a shop for lunch and say hello to the person behind the counter
I will book in with someone to talk to.

Sat should be the same but every day or two I will write what I'm doing as my life has is changing...

If I do not try then I might as well give up and I'm not ready to do that !


thanks lithium, May I ask what you mean by this sorry not to sure :D ?

"Progress through depression if necessary. "

I think he is talking about the relationship between depression and anxiety. Depression worsens anxiety and anxiety worsens depression. By fixing one you help the other.
It is inspiring to see someone so enthusiastic about dealing with their SA! I wish you the best of luck with your new plan.:)
Thanks for all the replies, I hope that I can make a change get rid of SA or at least manage it ! Please keep checking back and I would love to see other people get involved !
Morning All,

Day 2: Saturday! Well this morning I have woken up a little tied. I think I was drained from yesterday but I have managed to run 5km, and then eat a homemade fruit smoothly and take 5mg Laxapro.

I feel so good it's like a natural high when I stop exercising you feel all the blood rushing through you… oh and the sore muscles start to kick in…! I will see how I last throughout the day.

Just to give you an idea about myself I’m not fit I’m over weight I will post my BMI& Weight for you in the next day or two.

During my run this morning my face was so red, but I did not mind as I had the feeling I was getting the anxiety out of my body. It felt really good…

Today I will attempt to go for a walk in a very public place and maybe even say hello to someone I do not know.

I hope to rearrange my fridge today so I can start to eat a little healthier I will post my diet up here once I work it out.

Thanks for reading !


Well-known member
You are awesome! I love running for the same reason, you get such a great high and even though it hurts, it's a good hurt that lets you know you're accomplishing something. I'm inspired, maybe I'll pull out my runners too!


Well-known member
You have definitely chosen the right path. Keep going and dont give up. If u stay on it for few months it will become natural to u :)
You are awesome! I love running for the same reason, you get such a great high and even though it hurts, it's a good hurt that lets you know you're accomplishing something. I'm inspired, maybe I'll pull out my runners too!

We are all awesome buddy ! get out there and do a small run, it feels amazing ! I'm about to head out and do something for myself I hope to report back this afternoon !

It's time to get our life back ! and we can only do that by starting now !

thanks for everyone's support..


Well-known member
great job man exercise is a must for anxiety and depression. I started out working out like 3 years ago. It really has help me alot with my anxiety. Like you I started running for a while even though I wasn't overweight. The main reason was I loved the high it gave me at the end and it's also a great way to think more clearly. Keep it up.

Also you mention that you like to get in shape and I would love to give you some advice. I have been training seriously in Gym and follow a diet plan. I mostly do weight but I also include in cardio maybe 3 days. I train about six days for about 2 hours. My advice to you that if you want to lose weight the best thing that you can do is start doing strength training exercise. Strength training are great for anyone who is interested in losing weight. Usally, when you run for a certain time you will lose some weight and you stop losing. What weight training does is force your metabolism to work faster that normally will cause you to lose weight after the work out. I don't want you to start your exercise and don't see any result.

Good luck men keep it up