time to change !

great job man exercise is a must for anxiety and depression. I started out working out like 3 years ago. It really has help me alot with my anxiety. Like you I started running for a while even though I wasn't overweight. The main reason was I loved the high it gave me at the end and it's also a great way to think more clearly. Keep it up.

Also you mention that you like to get in shape and I would love to give you some advice. I have been training seriously in Gym and follow a diet plan. I mostly do weight but I also include in cardio maybe 3 days. I train about six days for about 2 hours. My advice to you that if you want to lose weight the best thing that you can do is start doing strength training exercise. Strength training are great for anyone who is interested in losing weight. Usally, when you run for a certain time you will lose some weight and you stop losing. What weight training does is force your metabolism to work faster that normally will cause you to lose weight after the work out. I don't want you to start your exercise and don't see any result.

Good luck men keep it up

hey yohannes, thanks for your post mate, I'm glad to hear exercising has worked out..Do you also take Laxapro or did you ? Did you change your diet ?

I would love some advice as I have not trained for about 5 years and I really need to get back on track..

any help would be great...
Morning All,

Well yesterday was a great day the weather here was so nice and I completed my exercise which I’m now paying for this morning! :D After posting here I decided to head down to a food festival in the city, as I’m not a big fan of crowds or going alone I thought this would be a good challenge for me. So I caught public transport down which for me is a hard thing to do then I entered the food festival and started to feel a little panicked but just told myself it’s ok and there was nothing to worry about ! I ended up staying for about 3 hours and even had some really nice food.. Then I journeyed back home. So this was a good result for me and I hope to try something else today!

Day 3: Sunday! Well this morning I have woken up all refreshed and I have been for a 40 minute walk down by the water to start the day! Today I will weight myself, take 5mg Lexapro rearrange my fridge and go to the super market where I will try and spark up a chat with someone.

Only a couple of days in and I’m really trying to change my habits in life, break the cycle of what I have been doing for so many years... Things like sitting on the net all day, playing games, watching movies...

Now is the time for me to get out and take control of my life and feel as if I’m driving it and not sitting in the passenger seat!

Thanks for all your support!


Well-known member
hey yohannes, thanks for your post mate, I'm glad to hear exercising has worked out..Do you also take Laxapro or did you ? Did you change your diet ?

No I don't take Laxapro. I had taken paxil before and it has help to a certain point. I am thinking about going back on it, but I am a little bit worried that I will gain some weight. I remember the last time I was on it I gain about 20 lbs which wasn't really that bad. Most antianxiety medicines usually causes you to gain weight, so you have to be extra careful with your diet.

Yeah I have changed my diet plan totally. To losing weight and getting in shape you need to have a good nutrition plan. usually nutrition is 70% and exericise is 30%. Here is my daily diet plan

Protien powder
blue blueberries
straw strawberry
soy milk

I usually mix everything together

also 1 ivimultivitamins and 1 omega fish oil

mid day snack
1 yogurt
1 bottle of water
1 orange
1 aple

1 cup salad
2 chickens
blue berries
1 vimultivitamins and 1 omega fish oil

mid day snack
1 bottle protein powder
1 mango

1 cup salad mixed with chicken
2 salmon
1 vimultivitamins and 1 omega fish oil

before bed
1/2 cup of cottage cheese

This is what I usually what I eat. Try to eat alot of fruit and vegetables. If it's possible join a Gym trust me it will be great. keep up the good work and give us update ok.