This Website DOESN'T Help.

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Well-known member
It doesn't. At all. It just stares you in the face and tells you of other peoples troubles and doesn't even begin to help you solve your own. It's a waste of time. I'm gone from here.


Yeah sadly some people feel this way and I understand,all these posts sometimes only seem to make people more down rather than giving reassurance.Everyone is different and I found this site great when I first joined and knew little about SA.

I wish you luck with your problems and sorry you feel this site doesn't help.


Well-known member
Dude you have to help yourself. There is no secret to getting over anxiety. Just hard work and determination. Simple
Thats all the help you need


How did you think it should help, have in mind anything particular? Anyway I think it should be clear to everyone that coming here will only make things worse, that's why I never thought of joining and when I did, it was just because I wanted to ask one single question. But I got stuck. Joining a social phobia forum in hope of getting help is crazy :D, it will only make you think about your problems over and over! You better go to some other forum about a thing that interests you and gets your mind off these stupid problems.


Typical answer, "I know how you're feeling, I feel the same way nag nag nag nag nag....finish."

Some people are creeps too, god knows what SA has done to them... Major serial killer symptoms. Scary...


Super Moderator
But how about sharing stories, making friends, venting, being with peple who understand and won't laugh at you for talking about your problems? Yes, the site tends to be more negative, and it won't cure your problems (might help in some aspects, but not cure), but it has its positive things :c


Well-known member
To each his own. I met some pretty nice people here. This site is what you make of it. In the end it will always be up to you to make things happen.


Well-known member
It doesn't. At all. It just stares you in the face and tells you of other peoples troubles and doesn't even begin to help you solve your own. It's a waste of time. I'm gone from here.

This website wasnt meant to help in anyways, it was just a place where you dont feel judged for your screw ups and may be find out if any solutions are in the horizon.

May i know how old are you?


Super Moderator
And how about those positive threads made to help people? I've seen a lot of those, sadly they don't receive too many posts.


If it has to be social phobia site, try "", seems to me a little bit more....sophisticated :D.


Well-known member
To each his own. I met some pretty nice people here. This site is what you make of it. In the end it will always be up to you to make things happen.


Also you get out of it what you put into it. Having been here only a couple of weeks, that is apparent. I like the small, close-nit user base and I think that it helps. :)


I actually raised this point on another thread and got bashed for it because I wasn’t SA (or perhaps I wasn’t SA ENOUGH, I dunno).

But it does seem like you guys are just popping painkillers for a headache that you’ve been suffering for for years, rather than delving into the root cause of the headache.

I’m not ragging on you guys, because I understand that you need to vent, but venting at each other and saying “I know. Life sucks for me too” isn’t particularly constructive when someone is pouring their heart out and genuinely looking for answers.

Don’t get me wrong, I know that you guys genuinely do “know” and that life probably does “suck” from you perspective. But orating that to someone who is nibbling on the muzzle of a gun isn’t exactly strategic, is it?

The same problem that exists here exists in the educational system, sadly, which probably explains why most people develop these destructive social tendencies in school: children are left to teach children, and in this case, the socially overwhelmed are left to guide the socially overwhelmed. Not exactly a recipe for good-times, eh?

All that said, I think in the last two days since I’ve been viewing this site (nostalgia, really, I used to be very socially handicapped and withdrawn, and a book I am writing deals with this), I’ve read some of the most beautiful and human pieces of soul-baring I’ve ever seen, from some of the most fascinating, tender creatures I’ve ever heard of.

This site isn’t without its quality, it just isn’t going help, I’d wager.


Well-known member
How stupid or desperate should you be if you think this forum was going to help when you cant help yourselves!! If you go to an body builders forum would ranting about nutrition and workout supposed to build your muscles?! How ridiculous would it sound if you said the same thing there? No one can help you to build your muscles or to get over yourselves! :mad:


Staff member
If it has to be social phobia site, try "", seems to me a little bit more....sophisticated :D.



Staff member

There is no magic cure for this condition, this website has members who have tried allsorts of things, some things help, some don't, overnight success of being 100% normal is impossible, it seems for everyone that there is a long journey ahead to betterment.

We come together, share some of these solutions, support those who need help and guidance, try and put our own experiences to good use.

Only one person can help you with your condition and that is a professional, all this website does is provide a place where none of us feel so isolated


i_jailed_me, not the most constructive post. but i see you're frustrated.

the fact is that if you went to a "bodybuilders" message board and asked how to build muscle they'd tell you. people come on here and ask "how do i deal with X, Y or Z because X, Y or Z makes me feel horrible" and the responses are typically:

"i know, X, Y or Z makes me feel that way too. it sucks. you just have to learn to live with it."

so i think your metaphor is flawed, i_jailed_me.


so you think that "wierd" people should leave, Emily?

*grins* please tell me you see the irony in that statement?

Remus: i'd argue that the one person who can help a person change themselves is themself. screw the professional as he will, in fact, tell you exactly the same thing.


I another wise thing to do is not let other peoples problems overwhelm you and get you to thinking that there's no way out. I made that mistake when I first got here and it made me more depressed. But since then I've learned that whats going on in someone elses life doesn't necessarily dictate how I should regard my own life and problems.


Well-known member
This site isn’t without its quality, it just isn’t going help, I’d wager.

It can help. I can assure you.


Do the ends really justify the means?
Are you striving in the same manner as Agathocles of Syracuse?
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