This Website DOESN'T Help.

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so you think that "wierd" people should leave, Emily?

*grins* please tell me you see the irony in that statement?

I think what she meant by that is that it's pointless in making a big scene like that then leaving. It's like when people ask in a thread to be banned when they can just easily leave. It looks like an attempt to get attention. But everyone wants that, so like I said it's pointless lol.


Well-known member
i_jailed_me, not the most constructive post. but i see you're frustrated.

the fact is that if you went to a "bodybuilders" message board and asked how to build muscle they'd tell you. people come on here and ask "how do i deal with X, Y or Z because X, Y or Z makes me feel horrible" and the responses are typically:

"i know, X, Y or Z makes me feel that way too. it sucks. you just have to learn to live with it."

so i think your metaphor is flawed, i_jailed_me.

I think you said it well yourself, this is just an information gathering center much like a body builders forum it cant help out by itself, there is information on medication and other stuff, this was never meant to be an cure!! This is a place to learn not a place to cure anyone!

I went outside today and took a walk as a result i was able to meet some old friends! If i has been stuck to this forum what good would have come out!! Like body building its left to you to go out and work with your fears or let it go.

You claimed you dont have much of SA so how would you know anyway?!!
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Interzone, I'm very sorry we couldn't make your life better... (lol)
We must have been busy providing advice from our hearts and managing our own condition at the same time - excuse us.


Well-known member
This site isn't meant to "help" people the way people seem to think it is. This site isn't a psychologist, a therapist, a counselor, or a psychiatrist, but a website. The sooner people realize this, the better. This site helps me because reading other people's posts makes me realize that I'm not as alone as it seems. This site isn't supposed to make people's SA "go away" or "cure" it, so if it's not doing that for people, that's why.


Well-known member
so you think that "wierd" people should leave, Emily?

*grins* please tell me you see the irony in that statement?

Remus: i'd argue that the one person who can help a person change themselves is themself. screw the professional as he will, in fact, tell you exactly the same thing.

:confused: I'm not sure how you got that from my statement. I said I find it weird when people announce they are leaving, esp in that kind of way. Not that they are weird...and I certainly don't think "weird" people should leave...whatever that means.

ETA: I've done that before as well on other forums, and I find it weird that I did it. It was a smaller forum though, with a not-very-nice mod.
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Interzone, I'm very sorry we couldn't make your life better... (lol)
We must have been busy providing advice from our hearts and managing our own condition at the same time - excuse us.

Hey no snidey/sarcastic comments even if the person has left.That really isn't going to help anyone.

Again to the op,I think as some other people have said,you get out what you put in..I always think its best not to expect any one thing to magical help our anxiety,but instead just use it as a tool among many.

This site helped me so much when I didn't know much about this disorder,and Its still a good site for meeting friends and people in the same situation as yourself.


Well-known member
I think there to many teenagers and kids here thats why its not very supportive or mature!! I dont know just an observation, usually kids have not learnt empathy yet!
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