This is how big I used 2 be


Well-known member
I knew you were into fitness but didnt know you used to be that big.
Good work champ!
Did you have to cut alcohol out for that weight loss ?


Well-known member
Ha, we had a laugh taking that picture. That is one big shirt!! I could have fitted myself and probably an extra kid in it too. Spread out that shirt covers my double bed!!

I just had to steal it and bring it back to the UK with me to take that picture.

We had such a laugh didnt we with me trying on your big clothes on my visit to you. That shirt came down well over my knees and the sleeves came over my hands and the neck hole was so large that it almost dropped over my shoulders and down to the floor!

But seriously, well done.


Well-known member
Ive had hardly any alcohol in the past year or so....only a tiny bit on special or strange occasions....but me & alcohol is another story dosent go well & alcohol that is.

Being is a photo of me this morning.... :)



Well-known member
Respect to you 2crowded! It must have taken huge dedication and effort to lose that much weight.


Well-known member
its good that you post your picture here. its one of the first steps to conquering social anxiety. good job :wink:


Well-known member
Congrats you have done well, improving your self image helps a lot to fight sa, I know for a fact. I use to be overwheigted too.
Keep going, good luck and :wink:


Well-known member
So, I completely LOVE the fact that you and Miss Amy have become such close friends. As well as the fact that you have lost sooooo much weight! AWESOME JOB! Keep it up! It can only better your health and your life!

What I'm missing is how in the heck did you meet someone online and have them come visit you? I could Never do that!!



Well-known member
krs2snow said:
O.K. So, I completely LOVE the fact that you and Miss Amy have become close friends. As well as the fact that you have lost sooooo much weight! AWESOME JOB! Keep it up! It can only better your health and your life!

What I'm missing is How in the Hell did you meet someone Online and have them come visit you? I could Never do that!!

I'm serious. I meet folks online but I only let it go so far. I always have this feeling of disconnect. Funny, I have that same feeling in day to day life...

WTF? How did you two become such good friends and... can you loan some-o-that to me?


I don't know! I think we are as surprised as anyone really. Things just kind of evolved. Started out private messages here, my post count had been reached and I wanted to comment about one of 2crowdeds posts. A few back and forth messages occured which then became daily update emails on what we were facing in our day to day lives. Then msn became a daily event. That was hard to start with, we both felt uneasy but we just had so much to talk about. We then started to tackle my phone phobia with msn calls...before we knew it..OMG how long have we been talking on the phone..time flies! Think record was 6hrs or so. I don't remember what we talked about but I laugh a lot these days.

Meeting up just seemed like the next progression and also I saw it as a challenge. There was also needing a bit of 'me' time away from these 4 walls and my family grind. Where better to go than my best friends house?

We often have the 'how did this happen' conversation and how out of character it is for both of us.

Next step is 2crowded coming here in September. Its not going to be easy for either of us but something we are both determined to do. Its a big push in to the world of feeling uncomfortable, airport pick ups and days out, thats just my side! but what we both get out of it is more than worth it, real good comfortable company and a sense of achievement.

Thanks mean the world to me. :)


Well-known member
No.... thank you Amy....I will be getting on that plane bound for the U.K in September....only ever been on an airplane one other time when I was 5 years old...& that was only an hour flight, cant remember much about it..just a split second or two memory of looking out the window. I have never been anywhere other than this right hand half of I'm looking forward to coming...but of course scared to death of it as well. lol .. But I'm going to do it...I want to....I know I will enjoy it once I get the airport & flight out of the way.
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