The Things that Keep You Sane


I write. I watch television. I try to coax every ounce of creativity that I had before I was stricken with this.

Granted, I don't know what to do with the finished products, but it keeps me busy, especially since my husband works most days.

I also write reviews of products and dvds on


ello everybody. First post here. I've been looking for a place like this for some time, some people to actually connect with.

Anyway, I just wanted to chime in. Most of the time I'm usually studying. I love to study languages, it's actually quite a newfound passion. Unfortunately most of my studying is done on the computer because of course I can't go out and get books. Right now I study Japanese, and although it carries a stigma with it I've gotten too far to give up. Eventually I want to move on to Spanish and German as well. Studying languages helps give me a purpose, and to some extent to get over this so I can eventually visit the target country.

Gaming is fun but I don't like online games (social phobia?) I dunno but I'd much rather sit and swing a sword in FFXII than WoW any day.

I like to write but I'm not good at it at all, nothing ever happens in my life and my imagination is so weak that no story I can produce is interesting. I do however keep up a few blogs.

Other than that I don't do much except eat (A LOT :D) and sleep.


I like to clean and organize my stuff. I'm not anal about it; but looking at them afterwards, I feel peaceful and tranquil. Plus, there's a huge valley with a giant reservoir up north where I live, so I go there once a week. I love being there because I enjoy the quietude of nature, vastness of the mountains, and the deep separations of the waters below. It never gets old.
I remember going there once when it was cloudy and the pool of water in the valley just intrigued me. It was pearly white, almost like liquid from another planet. It reminded me of my childhood, when I would imagine dragons descending from the clouds out of nowhere; and at that incident, I almost felt as if the Loch Ness monster was going to sprout out of the water a thousand feet below and eat me! Man! It's always great to be reminded of childhood!


Well-known member
Having a goal that I feel passionate about despite of my SP. I'm in school now and I take all my classes online. It is such a confidence booster for me as I gave up college due to my SP. [/u]


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School keeps me sane, even though I complain about it. If I didn't have to go, I would never leave the house.

My boyfriend, MUSIC, just imagining me having a good life if i ever get rid of sa, Seeing other ppl happy because i want to be happy too, also my lovely computer!!!


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Ajuna24 said:
Probably knowing that I'll die one day.
Yeah its funny isn't it? Knowing that if it really gets bad you can end it... is sometimes strangely comforting.

As for what else gets me going.. well nothing much.. apart from playing on-line games, browsing the net (I don't me just pron), fiddling around with computers and watching bit of TV.

Sometimes I wished I did more things than just sitting on computers. Especially outdoor things... but I suppose I am too scared, too unco (especially when it comes to sports) and maybe a bit lazy.. but most of all I don't have anybody to do things with!



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movies (sorry if that's already mentioned, wasn't planning on reading all 6 pages of replies)
especially movies about lonely people or outcasts, or movies about high school and popularity (mean girls!! ok I'm a boy but hey I LOVE that movie :oops: :D )

EDIT: ok so it clearly has been mentioned before... :D


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Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart. They are my favorite comedians and their TV shows are my favorite.

Also, my dog and my cat.
katieluckern said:
1.The few times that I went out, that weren't half bad.
2.Playing the five different instruments that I play.
3.Getting good reviews from colleges about my artwork.
4.Somehow managing to get a boyfriend. :D
5.My old friends, from before I was agoraphobic, that I talk to on the phone/myspace.
6.Led Zeppelin and Incubus. That music chills me the fuck out.
7.Buying stuff off Ebay, anticipating the wait, and then the mail comes even faster than I thought it would.
8.My journal.
9.My kitten.
10.The fact that I have bigger dreams than most people and I absolutely refuse to letting a damn fear get in my way.

Actually, because of that.. I'm almost better. I go out a few times a week and I'm fine. I'm still in homeschooling though, and I don't like going more than 45 minutes from my home, at all.

Mine are almost the same as those! Going out (even if it's two minutes outside my gate and back inside), playing piano, drawing, my boyfriend, my friends (though they hardly have time for me anymore) listening to led zeppelin with really good headphones up hella loud, buying clothes online, and writing.
And getting really angry with the agoraphobia! Cos i'm guna beat it eventually!
1. Really, really, really loud, good music. I'm okay with needing hearing aids at some point.
2. On some of my not so bad that I can't get out of bed days, but not so good that I can accomplish anything days, The Sims 2 has saved my life.
3. On nervous energy days its sketching or painting.
4. My husband (he's a wild card though, sometimes he drives me crazy!)
5. Knitting.
6. Self harm, which I have been doing really well in not doing lately, but it has saved my life before.


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My medicine, daydreaming/my imagination, my cats, writing, reading, listening to music, movies, TV, the internet, talking to myself (yes, I do that lol), & other crap.