The season of goodwill


Well-known member
Hmmm after moderating for 6 years here, I have to drop a bombshell and disagree entirely. We are as good or bad as anyone, we just seem to be nasty in a more covert way. ;)

Yes, we are not the chosen ones lol

Darn, people always misinterpret what I say on here. I guess I don't explain things well enough. I wasn't saying we are the "chosen ones." I was saying that it seems like a larger percentage of socially anxious people are more respectful to other people's feelings than the percentage of people that don't have SA. By no means was I saying all of us are better than anyone else. Yes, of course SA people can be mean and cruel. I was trying to stay in the positive mindset of the thread, but you have brought me away from that.


Well-known member
I think there's more chance of people venting their bitterness onto others, I found that out after a few 'reps'