The only way i can be sociable is when i am drunk


Well-known member
It's true. I've just come back from a party for my sister's baby and i got drunk and i actually could talk to people and be humourous and care free, without alcohol i am uptight and not fun to be with. Why can't i be this way without alcohol!::(:

I know this feeling so well.....unfortunately for me the alcohol stopped working like it used to....or I would have to drink so much that I would black out to be sociable then I would wake up with anxiety, depression, shame and regret from what I did the night before....The easy fix was not the way for me and now that I do not drink I get impatient with the process of learning to be more sociable or learning to accept that I am shy and it is frustrating....but it is so much better than the side effect cause by prolonged alcohol abuse and drug abuse (I turned to drugs as well, I'm not saying you do the same.)


Well-known member
I have noticed that with alchohol I feel very much as open and as social as I was before my demise. That for me is the lure of alchohol, a gateway to feeling much more myself. Not to the point of getting drunk though. But on the whole I refrain from drinking.


Well-known member
im like Sully i used to rely on alcohol in the past and it worked very well.i would be very social and energetic and enthusiastic and uninhibited.problem is, these days it doesnt work nearly as still kills anxiety but it also just numbs me out, kills all of my feelings basically and it doesnt make me much more social, kills my sex drive and just sort of makes me feelk crappy..then i have the hangover to deal with.

at this point i need to find something else to make me social or become a complete hermit or just accept the fact that im not naturally a social guy.but then i dont think i could find the reason to even go out to parties or whatnot if im just going to sit there and be inside my own head.whats the purpose of even going out if you are not going to actively be a part of the good time?


I was at a new years party a few nights ago. I had about 4 vodka's b4 going. At the party I had a few drinks and was telling everyone stories, making everyone laugh. I know my limits to alcohol, but it beats me up why I can't be the same person when sober. Without a drink, I would have sat in a corner and stared at the floor dreading every minute wanting 2 go home. I feel such aloser some times when I know that alcohol in the right amount brings me out of my shell. Makes me think the worlds just one weird place where I don't want 2 b.
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The Lost

Well-known member
I've never been properly drunk before, but I do find that the only time I can feel comfortable in social situations is when I'm tipsy. When in this state, I'm more relaxed, easy-going and for once myself (not held back by any stupid barrier).
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Well-known member
alcholol doenst work for me maybe the first 2-3 beers make me relax after that if I take more its has a opposite effect and increases my anxiety and worrying till the point my whole face feels tight and numb


Well-known member
I drank at college, it made me feel more open and social, but then I drank too much and I made such a fool of myself. I cringe at the memory of some of the things I did.


Active member
I know this feeling, but i hate not being in control. My boyfriend practically forces drinks down my throat to make me more social.


Well-known member
Even outgoing people can be like that. It's known worldwide that alcohol can help you open up socially and even get you laid. It's why it's the drink of choice at bars, parties and other certain social events.

I guess the difference between them and me is that I need alcohol to be sociable in most cases. They don't.

One of my friends once seriously recommended that i turn into an alcoholic. It was such an insult to me because he was basically saying I'm only fun to be around when I'm drunk.


Well-known member
... before my demise..

you demised?

I drank at college, it made me feel more open and social, but then I drank too much and I made such a fool of myself. I cringe at the memory of some of the things I did.

oh, the stories i could tell! (or not since many were forgotten before the morning came)

i think the OWI laws, especially now that they've gotten to such an extent that they make a person terrified to even go out & have a few drinks, are really hurting the social anxiety folks. i know it's part of the reason i have almost no social life these days.