The Mirror . .


Well-known member
How many of you have ever tried looking in the mirror and talking...
Like the person in the mirror was someone else you were attempting to converse with ? I bet that sounds kind of weird but i wanted to see what i looked like.
I dont know what to think about it.
I can see the awkwardness as i talk..
It feels like i am almost brain damaged...
any of you ever try this and what did you feel about it?


Well-known member
A lot of people recommend this to help you with speaking in public.

I have never done it, because I have felt too self conscious. I would imagine that with time it would get a lot more comfortable and then maybe you will be more comfortable talking to others.


Well-known member
Using mirrors to talk can actually be benefitial. While it is not exactly the same as what you are talking about in your post, it is still worthwhile to bring this up while on the subject of mirror talk.

You want to do positive affirmations while talking into the mirror. When you are saying the affirmations, it is a good idea not just to express them as an "I", but also as a "You", because a lot of our negative self beliefs come from people that have spoken badly about us, hense the reason it is a good idea to cover all bases.


Well-known member
ok, i may sound weird, i dont know if it happens to others.
but i try to talk with myself looking in the mirror, and i feel it is different person i m talking to, i mean it feels different.
but when i talk without seeing my refelection, it seems its me.
i thought may be i dont like my appearance,may be that;s why i dont identify with it.
hope it makes sense.