Yeah everything in movies is just like in real life, right? </sarcasm>
The movies don't show teenage mamas on social security and students with 2+ abortions behind them, or girls who can't have kids later (and regret having abortion before) or daddies with 4+ kids all over Europe or... hey, or maybe you're watching the wrong movies?? hmmph! - Try Juno? Or some other more realistic films?
Matthew, it can be about maturity, or it can be about different things. Part of it is maturity too, I think. At least with some people.. I was raised Catholic so maturity and responsibility and being ready to deal with any unwanted consequences was a big part of it..
If you want to find other people who might appreciate this as maturity, you might find them in some church organisations/websites or elsewhere too.. Yeah, there are even Catholic dating sites and such, where people are totally into the maturity thing and waiting till marriage hehe.. (Even if they are MUCH older!!
