Thanks for closing and manipulating another thread!


Well done! And thanks for validating much of what i said! Awesome!

Here's part 3! It's all over the place and probably really stupid! It's whatever the reader wants it to be! oh yeahhhh!!!!
But remember: Don't take it personally. Serious business...

If this doesn't get me banned, then i'll just start posting about penis, horse pr0n, and goatse or something...H-E-H.

Apologies for my poor form (I'm in a period of transition):

Much of what i wrote previously, and very recently, was largely a projection of self-
hatred. But it was also direct criticism(s) that covered several different areas. It
seems like there was too much emphasis (in reply; from what i read, which was limited)
to the subjects of banning, rules,
and moderation when there was far more to what i was saying than that.
I'm just mad at myself for ever seeking out help on the internet for my problems. It
was a pitifully stupid and naive move to think that i'd receive any level of acceptance,
love, understanding or sympathy from people who either: ignored, marginalized, pretended
to be friendly, turned out to be two-faced gossip queens, phony, multiple-personality-
disorder sociopaths, and so on. When a person with severe problems is met with rejection
time and again in a place that's supposed to be diametrically opposed to the living nightmare
that they're stuck in; well, it can cause that person to become worse; to grow bitter;
to become completely disillusioned with everything; to feel like even 'safe havens'
and slices of utopia are bald faced lies (and they are.) So, in essence, platforms
such as SPW contain a level of danger for certain people and personality types. I sat
around for the better part of 3 - 3 1/2 years hoping that someone (a mere one),
person, would provide me with some shred of comfort, joy, or real compassion and
understanding, but it never really happened. I only ended up feeling unwanted and
spurned. In hindsight, it was probably for the best though--in that i had to rediscover
just how truly awful human beings are.It's certainly not a mystery to me why the
viewpoint of depopulation and extermination exists in some circles. Who can blame them?
But hey, it's on me. No blame to spread around. A boo-hoo sob story? Sure. You bet.
It's all quite silly, you see. Poor meeeeee. Heh.

Anyway, it doesn't surprise me that an appeal was made to populism in a
poll that didn't befit the thread, as if that's some sort of barometer of what's "right."
It's also unsurprising for people to react indignantly and in a knee-jerk fashion to
what i said. They'll clamor and moan about what a d_ick i was. How haughty and pretentious
i may self righteous; how narcissistic; how stupid; and so on. On several counts they're
likely to be right in their assertion(s). I'll admit that. But hey, it doesn't matter.
What's even less astonishing is people's willingness to accept things as is. To point
to symbols of governance, like privacy and protection on an internet forum regarding
'offenders' and 'victims.' Ever used mIRC? There's an ip ban list for anyone to look
at. Ever visited other forums? Ask in a thread and someone will tell you what went
down. Ever think of parallels to 'real life'? You know, criminal records that are
public, which helps keep the populace informed. YOu know, so employers or anyone else
can do background checks. So people know what's going on...Without having to contact
police directly at every turn (what a waste of time that would be, huh?) See what i'm
saying? Oh, and's okay to a point, but think about the people you're
"sheltering" as some kind of overbearing cyber mother. They may ask for it,
but it's probably not in their best interests. I suppose you're just doing your duty
in some cases; doing the 'right' thing. Legal thing? I don't know. But anyway, the
'top-down' model isn't the best for keeping the people informed. So while "respecting"
the "right" to "privacy", you do a dissservice to the whole, who, if properly informed,
and if able to discern, will and should criticize a group of overseers who prefer to offer
explanations one-on-one, which can eventually filter down and diffuse anyways, rather than
to everybody. Like i said, shorten it up. Omit
the worst parts if you have to, but the notion of privacy on the internet is pretty
obtuse; although, i will grant that some should try to be afforded. Yeah, i know
it's possible if someone really sensitive is embarrassed by a public documentation of
being trolled and humiliated that they might do something severe because of it, but
ultimately that person may not want to be 'saved' by some moderator. In fact, it's a
quite farcical notion. I understand if you're doing what you think is 'right' and all
you can, and even if you've gone over these things that i mentioned in your head and
still decided to stay the course. Fine, whatever. It's all pretty goofy to me.

Lastly: This is dedicated to every person who had a bad time here & to user ForReal
for being a nice chap. Beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice!

Whoops, i'm not done: I've probably misunderstood a lot of things; perhaps everything...
But guess what: The female cashier at the local Fred Meyer is a penguin fanatic!
Internet moderation and rules: Serious f_ucking business.
Oh yeah.. all the "you's" and "yours" and such...they're all interchangable with
mods and users; i think. I don't even know
Cupcakes are good to eat on a sunny summer day. Yum, yum, in my tum!
Purple guardian frog sits atop the lcd monitor waiting to eat precious insects that
never come. The poor thing...
What else was i going to say? God knows...F_uck
Oh yeah: *kisses*
F_UCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adhere to the rules, blah blah. Who do you think you are?, blah blah. Did it ever
occur to you!? hmmph! blah blah. Are you some kind of mod patrol!? blah blah.
What point?! blah blah. I can't read. blah blah. We're really helping people, blah
blah. I'm illiterate! blah blah. What point are you talking about?! blah blah. I'm
really a guy! blah blah. Dead rappers make great avatars blah blah. I'm fat, blah
blah. Lurk a lot more, blah blah. 2 bits of philadelphia cheesesteak, blah blah.
We decide how things go, blah blah. We run this site , so don't you complain about it,
blah blah. Negligent webmaster, blah blah. We're all qualified, blah blah. Look at
the great success that is this site, blah blah. Nevermind the fact that people get
better when they leave, blah blah. We do our business in private to 'protect' people,
blah blah. We're essentially apes, blah blah. This is a support site, blah blah.

Okay, charlatans.
Have a nice picnic.

For the love of God, ban me, so i don't ever come to this pile of f_Ucking s_hit anymore. It's a really bad habit. I cannot stop coming here...How masochistic.

SERIOUS F_UCKING BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Final p.s.: I hope people just stop to think a minute. I realize that's asking a lot, but I'm asking that "you" do. Thank you. I hardly do it myself. :)

I'm a dummy head.


Well-known member
Expecting much from other emotionally challenged folk is a mistake.

As for the mods and such, this is a forum like any other. As long as it doesn't descend into the likes of 4chan I think we're good.

Oh great I've uttered the name now there will be a raid. :p


Well-known member
I've never really had any contact with you on here, but I do wish you well (blah blah) I do mean that though - as much as I can considering this is the internet and I don't really know you. It's unfortunate that you've had such a sub par experience here. From reading what you've written over these past few threads, it sort of becomes apparent that the whole thing about suggesting that the mods disclose more information publicly is, more or less, kind of irrelevant. I could be wrong though. It just sort of seems like a tool for you to get out your general frustrations some how. I fully agree with what most of everyone said (surprise surprise, blah blah) about privacy. What would that accomplish, except some superficial circle of gossip? I can't really see how it would be beneficial or relevant to this site. And the thing is, we're not talking about some criminal act with bans. Most of the time it's just one of us users getting a little outta hand.

While I certainly haven't completely agreed with some situations, or the way they were handled by the mods, but they do do what they're supposed to and they do it fairly well and objectively. I do hope you get your ban, Mitch. Both because it seems like you want it pretty bad, and because these threads are getting kind of redundant. (Spoke too late, but ah well)


Well-known member
Does banning afford some kind of magical sense of freedom from the shackles of SPW? Because on the internet banning doesn't really work if people can't stop coming back.

I just leave my posts/username behind and move on if I become bored/disenchanted with a forum.


Well-known member
Farewell Mr. M1tch! Ha, I wonder if I hadn't started that original topic, would you have posted this? Hmm maybe I as indirectly responsible for your ban or maybe it was jut a coincidence.

But I wish you the best of luck!