Teasing at work about my hair.


Well-known member
Why does everyone have a problem with my hair? I know it sounds trivial but people in work are teasing me because i've been growing my hair for a few months and it's thick and quite curly now. I know that they are probably joking but i am tired of the attention from my workmates. Everyone should be free to have their hair the way they want right.
They're just jealous they don't have naturally curly hair like we do. Tell them they should let their hair grow out too. Let your freak flag fly! :p


Active member
recluse said:
Why does everyone have a problem with my hair? I know it sounds trivial but people in work are teasing me because i've been growing my hair for a few months and it's thick and quite curly now. I know that they are probably joking but i am tired of the attention from my workmates. Everyone should be free to have their hair the way they want right.

Hell yeah! I know exactly what you're on about. If I had a penny for every time I had someone make some wise-crack about my hair, I'd be stinkin' rich. I'm quite often 'mistaken' for the QI mophead Alan Davies, or however you spell his name. :p

Sadly, I haven't thought of any coping strategy as such, save perhaps serving them their own medicine, so to speak.


Well-known member
Hey im sure your hair looks fine. whatever you do dont cut it. those people are probably just messing with you in a fun, friendly kinda way. even if it doesnt seem like it.


Well-known member
recluse said:
Why does everyone have a problem with my hair? I know it sounds trivial but people in work are teasing me because i've been growing my hair for a few months and it's thick and quite curly now. I know that they are probably joking but i am tired of the attention from my workmates. Everyone should be free to have their hair the way they want right.
ahh i know what you mean..when i worked in the coffee shop, i dreaded having anything new done to my hair, cause the girls would make a big deal of it..i was the centre of attention..and it made me feel really uncomfortable! One time, i had bought a new truck..didn't tell anybody about it beforehand...then it was parked in the staff lot..and everybody was asking 'who's truck is that?' And i'm standing there like a dork..not wanting to answer 8O


Well-known member
In just about every group of people there will be a couple of sophomoric neanderthals who will look for anything and everthing to rag other people about. These guys will probably be bald by the time they're in their late 40s, or will have the Julius Caesar/Danny DeVito look happening on their heads. You will still have groovy hair. They're probably just jealous, so try to just let their stupid comments bounce right off of you.


Well-known member
You don't need to get in a tizzy foxglove :D from Recluse's description it doesn't sound like neanderthals ragging. It sounds like people who like him and enjoy his company. Since he probably doesn't talk much to them, they might be using his new hair as an opportunity to start a little chat or let him know that they notice and like him. Of course that isn't really what he wants...but it's still good natured.
If it wasn't good natured I would imagine that he would be extremely upset and hurt, much more than his post showed. To me it sounded like he knew it wasn't meant to be hurtful, but still doesn't like the extra attention...so he'll just have to remember that it's not meant to hurt him.


Well-known member
I just felt like putting this notice: but we all got SA which is a type of fear were gonna have for the rest of our lives.. Everybody has his defects & thats ours... The only solution we got is to control our fear & not let it control us or our behaviour, our judgement or our lives... Whenever i am excessively nervous i feel collapsed & cannot do what i could complete perfectly without this nervousness.. I should get used to feel this way & not let it ruin my life & future... Plus i do not believe in therapy & medication...

My opinion: About people commenting on your hair just react wisely & calmly to the situation keep cool... Just react the right way no matter how you feel from the inside..


Well-known member
hippiechild said:
You don't need to get in a tizzy foxglove :D .[/quote

I beg your pardon? A tizzy? My post was meant to be a bit humorous, nothing else. Maybe I missed the mark ..... :? ?]


Well-known member
oh "tizzy" I guess it isn't really a real word, I used it wrongly too...it means to be in a "moment of befuddlement". I used it to mean a moment of aggravation, since you certainly weren't confused.

Sorry, I took what you said too literally. It just sounded like an old social phobic veteran who has taken quite a beating. They become harsh and unfeeling towards anyone who makes remarks to social phobics. Attacking the co-workers of Recluse and accusing them of purposefully hurting him... ridiculous, I know :D

I have seen social phobics who become like that after a while though, completely untrusting and scathing to everyone


Well-known member
Everyone gets made fun of for their hair. Why? Cause it changes. Some days it looks like complete shit no matter who you are. other days it looks great. Plus, I have curly hair too - and when growing it out, that shit can be a mess. But guess what? Fuck the haters, I'm growing it out.


Well-known member
Foxglove said:
hippiechild said:
You don't need to get in a tizzy foxglove :D .

I beg your pardon? A tizzy? My post was meant to be a bit humorous, nothing else. Maybe I missed the mark ..... :? ?

Your post was well-meaning, but, like a lot of posts in support forums, not a lot of use. The OP didn't give enough information for you to form the opinion you did, and instead you reacted in a way that assumes the OP is being treated unfairly (like I said, well-meaning but uninformed).

The scenario you've assumed is only one of several that I can think of:

1) The workmates like him and were teasing him out of fun
2) The OP's hair really was funny-looking and his workmates ribbed him about it.
3) (your scenario) The workmates were being nasty and teased him to make him feel bad.

The only way to decide which of these actually happened would be for the OP to post pics of his hair, and some things his workmates actually said (with context). But, seeing as he's had a hair cut now, case closed.


Well-known member
blackcap said:
Foxglove said:
hippiechild said:
You don't need to get in a tizzy foxglove :D .

I beg your pardon? A tizzy? My post was meant to be a bit humorous, nothing else. Maybe I missed the mark ..... :? ?

Your post was well-meaning, but, like a lot of posts in support forums, not a lot of use. The OP didn't give enough information for you to form the opinion you did, and instead you reacted in a way that assumes the OP is being treated unfairly (like I said, well-meaning but uninformed).

The scenario you've assumed is only one of several that I can think of:

1) The workmates like him and were teasing him out of fun
2) The OP's hair really was funny-looking and his workmates ribbed him about it.
3) (your scenario) The workmates were being nasty and teased him to make him feel bad.

The only way to decide which of these actually happened would be for the OP to post pics of his hair, and some things his workmates actually said (with context). But, seeing as he's had a hair cut now, case closed.

Whoa there. Calm down, mr. serious. Overreacting much?


Well-known member
blackcap said:
The only way to decide which of these actually happened would be for the OP to post pics of his hair, and some things his workmates actually said (with context). But, seeing as he's had a hair cut now, case closed.
I think we should investigate with forensic science and recreate the scene in 50 different ways using various types and colors of curly hair. We also would have to create several co-worker scenarios ranging from friendly to demeaning and cruel. We certainly will get to the bottom of this one way or another...


Well-known member
hippiechild said:
blackcap said:
The only way to decide which of these actually happened would be for the OP to post pics of his hair, and some things his workmates actually said (with context). But, seeing as he's had a hair cut now, case closed.
I think we should investigate with forensic science and recreate the scene in 50 different ways using various types and colors of curly hair. We also would have to create several co-worker scenarios ranging from friendly to demeaning and cruel. We certainly will get to the bottom of this one way or another...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Heheh, that was good.


Well-known member
I'm in the same boat right now ...ive grown mine out a little, its not too long by any stretch ...

my sister and mum tease me on how i look like a street bum which is a drastic overstatement ...i comb it and use a little gel so its a messy style because its semi long ..

ive had people at work asking if i'm gay?

my Dad saying "came out of the closet yet" he keeps making gay jokes at me..i respond by asking if he wants to live to see tommorrow.. :roll:

just because he think anything outside of a normal MACHO short haircut is too girly for a male ...

mine is like "the Indie Kid" look ..

I get it all the time..

Certain people are just generally always annoying ..i'm trying to except that this is reality.