Suffering from memory/learning problems due to SA obsessed brain! Help


Well-known member
Hi there guys :D

I wondered if anyone has the same problem as me? I developed my lovely social anxiety problems around about 18-21 years old, and ever since it's all I think about. Anxiety. Worry. Fear. It's like the template of my head. Everything is about the SA!

But now SA is getting mean. Like it wants to take over, and it's going after my cognitive functions- I can't use my brain for anything else except worrying. I used to be intelligent, but I find it hard to concentrate or things now. Like studying for my job. Or remembering an interesting story to tell a friend. I find it hard to memorize interesting things and life events. I've done a lot of interesting stuff, I just can't remember it - it's all very hazy! I don't know if I have a learning problem or not, but I could watch TV shows, read books, and I wouldn't be able to tell you what they're about!

Please help. I feel a bit scared to be honest


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Hiya, mate. :)

Sorry tae hear that, Hero. Ah cannae really offer an advice, but ah can definitely relate to how yer feelin'. Ah've been struggling with the same thing, and been havin' a hard time focusing as of late, too. :idontknow:

Sorry, ah know that probably doesnae really help ye, any... but yer not alone.


Well-known member
To be honest it scares me as well, I've had (suspected I had) SA since the age of 11 and I am not turning 20 in a month.....I don't believe you have a learning problem...not sure for me though...since I've always been that way. But for you, maybe it's just the stress? I know what it's like when your memory doesn't function properly, and things just won't go through your head when you need them to. The constant fear/worry/stress cycle might be hindering your abilities to function...maybe you can take some time off to relax a little every day as to find the energy and concentration needed to fulfill any tasks.


Well-known member
I've got that too. My short term memory is fine, but long term, it feels like all my memories have faded away. I can barely remember holidays I went on 2 years ago and I can only name a handful of teachers from the school I left a year and a half ago, even though I really enjoyed school.

I get images of random events/places/people from my past pop into my head all the time, often without any clear link between the image and what I'm currently doing.

I also have trouble with time, although I think that's more to do with my routine. (Same thing every day, with a screwed up sleeping pattern. Some times I stay awake for 3 straight days, sometimes I sleep days and awake nights and other times I go to sleep in the afternoon and wake up at 2am. I find it odd that this is the case, as I had a very set routine when I was younger)


Well-known member
It might not be a learning problem. I notice a difference in my mental abilities when I am alone vs in public. Sitting in a classroom surrounded by many people triggers my SA; I can't completely relax and I feel hypervigilant. This affects my learning ability because it prevents me from being engaged in class discussions or lectures. I can't even read in class without worrying about people around me.

On the other hand, when I am alone, I can be a super learner. I absorb more information and enjoy the learning process more. It's like my IQ suddenly went up 60 points.


Well-known member
i have had the same problem depending on the situation of the severity of the short term memory for a long time.
i have been doing yoga and meditation to reclaim my focus for 4 weeks.

it is working. :applause: i used to show my family members how i could only do 1 word in a search puzzle, and then had to put it down or find a brand new word search puzzle. i would make jokes about it, by pointing out how many i started by circling just 1 word before moving onto the next one. now i can do 5 or 6 whole puzzles in a row and complete them each quickly. this focus is brand new for me.

there is a lot of scientific evidence out there for the mind body connection. :thumbup: rodney yee beginner yoga and jon kabat zinn mindful meditation series are two out of my collection.

in addtion as a calming method, i also learned that by doing very simple math i can move my brain function out of the fight or flight to a higher level, and regain focus that way as well. the reason i say simple math is because anxiety derailed my ability to learn it in school so i am teaching myself after a fashion.


Well-known member
When I try to recall a show or movie I have watched, I can remember if I liked it or not but rarely remember any details. Its becoming scary for me too. Not sure if this will get worse over time. I blame it alot on my years of anxiety and years of antidepressants.


Well-known member
When I try to recall a show or movie I have watched, I can remember if I liked it or not but rarely remember any details. Its becoming scary for me too. Not sure if this will get worse over time. I blame it alot on my years of anxiety and years of antidepressants.

I get that too. I can remember nearly the whole show word for word for a few hours, then the whole thing just disappears seemingly instantly.