SPW anxiety..

Hey people,

Do you also feel worried when you post a topic?
I posted lots of topic's, but still i worry what people would think of me.
you know i'm not a real english person, So my english can be really weird sometimes.
And maybe I say weird things..

Do you also have SPW anxiety?


Well-known member
I know how you feel! When i first started posting here i had anxiety over starting new threads. I even asked for my introduction thread to be removed lol! I get nervous over posting at times as well. I worry when i've posted too much and see my name all over the forum lol, but i love it on here! ::p:


Well-known member
i am am anxoius too about i don't post threads much

you know i'm not a real english person, So my english can be really weird sometimes.
And maybe I say weird things..

and no need to worry about that i can always understand the meaning even if the words are slightly wrong and it is a world forum so no worries :)


Well-known member
I get it more when I'm posting in other peoples threads - haha. Like a feeling that people are thinking 'why is this guy throwing his issues in here, they're not helping AND they're insignificant'. When it's just a case of me trying to say I relate, trying to make the poster feel not so alone and definitely not to steal the limelight.

Obviously I think it's irrational, besides, I haven't been here for long enough for you guys to hate me - yet! :rolleyes:

Saskia, I enjoy reading your threads and posts. Now Serafina on the other hand......

Just kidding ;)


Super Moderator
Don't worry, your english is good :)

As for your question... yes, I do. I'm very paranoid about what others might think of me, or making a fool of myself with some of my posts.


Yeah I do too, thats why I never really start threads.::p: Also I haven't noticed anything wrong with your English. I probably would've thought you were American if you wouldn't have said differently.


Well-known member
your english is very good lol , i used to feel a little worried about posting but iv done so much of it im used to it now ....


Well-known member
I don't think your English is bad, I can always understand what you meant to say, even if a word or two is a little off. But I do get anxiety on here. Every time I post a topic, sometimes when I reply to one, depending on what I say, & especially when people message me or send me a comment. I sometimes avoid the site because I'm afraid to reply to people, but afraid they'll see me replying to topics & think I'm just being mean & ignoring them, when that's not the case at all. It's just my anxiety makes it hard for me to reply to people.


Well-known member
I always feel that way. Sometimes I will write out the whole topic then not post it. Other times (rarely... maybe twice... a year) I will make a topic and post it but feel really nervous until someone posts and its a nice helpful comment or something and I feel some of the worry calm down.
I don't really get too anxious about posting, although I have only started 2 threads in the year I've been here. I can never come up with any topics to post about, so I just reply to everyone else's. I don't know if my mind is really blank, or I'm (subconsciously) too anxious to actually present my own issues until someone else brings them up- or perhaps it's a fear of feeling rejected (or like a freak) if no one responds. The only time I get a little nervous is when I'm posting an opposing or negative viewpoint, or I'm finding it hard to put my words together in the way I'd like.


Well-known member
Yeah, it does make me anxious to post or make new threads. I, feel like I’m boring, stupid and I refrain from trying to be witty, it’s not something I am good at anyway, but the worry about that is trying to be funny and people not getting it. It’s strange though, my fiancé and I have been to a few different forums and I know we won’t always be liked and disliked by the same people, but it can be interesting to see how different people react to us.


Well-known member
as you can see your English is good, or maybe all of us here use some special sort of language, SA-ENglish :))
I don't have any anxiety posting, I have more experience on posting on forums than socializing LOL