Socially Ruined

I live in a relatively small town and go to a relatively small school (about 600 kids). I've been going to this school for 2 years now and I can't help but feel like i'm socially screwed. I think that even if I wanted to go and try to make new friends and be outgoing and talkative no one would be able to get past the the fact that I have been the weird quiet kid for the past 2 years. I dunno it's kind of hard to explain. Does anyone else feel this way??


Well-known member
Yarp. Thats how I feel all the time around the people that "know" me. Start off slow. Work your way up to stuff. The people that are cool will like the change.


Well-known member
Wow, I have the same problem as you, but it's reversed. Instead of being in small town, in a small school, I feel awkward in a big city, in a much bigger school (15000+ undergrads). I'm still trying to adapt to the new environment, after going to school there for about a year now, but I'm just so used to being in an environment where everyone knows each other.


Well-known member
once you make your first impression on other people look bad, it's very difficult to make them like you.


Well-known member
Mh, yes. I was in a very similar situation. I had been going to a very small (140 students) school for two years - until a couple of weeks ago - to get my A-levels there and from the very beginning people, as they always do, sensed that I was different in a socially unacceptable way. It was bearable, though. And it ended. A good thing about school is its definite end.


Well-known member
my school has 15000 students lol. when i was taking my O-levels, my previous school had 1400 students.


Well-known member
I used to feel that way, but then once I actually did break out, people liked it, for the most part. There's always one or a handful of jerks who are going to give you crap, but that's part of life, unfortunately. Just tell them to eat shit. A high school (that's what I am assuming you meant) of 600 is decent enough size that you will find that some group of people will like you, even though some people may not. So, the answer, like always, is go for it? What have you got to lose? People might make fun of you yes, but not everyone will. People making fun of you means that you have something that other people might want, something that is worth making fun of. People make fun of others because they feel threatened or because they want to keep others down so that they have the power for themselves. People making fun of you is a good sign, when viewed in this light. So, go for it, and forget about what other people say. People who make fun are miserable themselves and want you to be miserable too.


Well-known member
Yeah, i think first impressions are really important, but if you work at it, you can learn to make better first impressions for when you go to a bigger school, or introduce yourself at work or something. For now just don't let it get you down, even if they see you as the weird guy for the time being, i think people are generally open to give you several chances and you'd be getting what you want!


Well-known member
you will find a handful of people will question you once you do break out of your shell because they'll wonder if there are two sides of you and which one is the real you? but dont let it hold you back because most people will welcome your new confidence, and you can always communicate to them that you were having a difficult time in life and they'll understand!


Well-known member
In my experiences first impressions don't really mean a whole lot. It is after a while when you really get to know people, not after one encounter.

I feel the same way even when I am going to a college that has 18,000 students. I took this last year off and am going back for my senior year in the fall, even though all the students my age are graduating this spring I still feel like everyone will know me there and I am already judged. It's all in our minds, for the most part. If your a good person people are going to eventually see that.