Lol your downplaying my issues but that's okay. I don't expect you to understand it if you're around the asexual spectrum and don't have above normal desire for women. I'm speculating you are a female, that's why you don't understand this so much. Even other men would not understand this who don't have a high drive like me.
What you said is like a normal person without SA saying i don't think it's any kind of tragedy that you never could make connection with people and makes friend.
If I had a strong desire to have billions of dollars and live like royalty, but told you I couldn't because I have SA, would you think that this was a tragedy? It's probably a bad thing that I feel like I need the money all the time, but I don't think that not having billions of dollars is so uncommon or even difficult that I shouldn't be able to manage without it.
You can't compare your situation to not being able to connect with people in general, because that is something that the majority of people can do easily, and human contact is important for everyone. It is not important or easy for everyone to hook up/be with every attractive person they see.
Furthermore, a lot of people with 'strong desires' only have them because they're not getting what they want. I guess it's possible that you could have some condition that I couldn't possibly relate to, but the odds are you're just a normal sexually frustrated guy who desperately wants to find someone, but can't for various reasons, and it's driving you crazy. There's a HUGE number of guys in that situation online.
People want things, they get what they want, and then they don't want them anymore-- that's how it works. But having unrealistic goals is never going to bring you to that final point.
I'm not sure what SA problems you have but i know you have sense of entitlements too. For some issues you have, i probably havn't gone through them so i don't think you would like it if judge your sense of entitlments - You haven't gone through my issues with high desire of women so don't downplay my entitlements like you wouldn't like someone doing to you.
What do you think I feel entitled to, exactly?