So, who here is religious/spiritual?


Pantheism mixed with christianity I guess.. It seems like there is some creative force but I don´t believe in God as a person. But really I don´t know, so I am a don´tknower. Nobody knows after all. The only thing I know is there are great mysteries for which my mind is too short.


Well-known member
Spiritual but not religious. That being said, I don't judge people by their beliefs though, mostly by their actions... I think a good person is a good person no matter what they believe in and bad people are bad no matter what they claim to adhere to.


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I'm a Muslim.

I'd say I'm spiritual in the sense I understand my religion to the best of my knowledge, understand its beliefs and practices but I'm not practising. I wish I was and have thought it might help my SA but I'm just unable to make the first step and don't think I particularly do good things in my life.

Maybe as time wears on and I improve handling my SA, I'll be brave enough to practise my faith more.
Hmm, well, for me it's a long story, but you asked for reasons so I figured I'd give details :)

Grew up Evangelical Christian, although at about age 13 or so I read one of those tracts and it convinced me I wasn't a "real" Christian so surely I was going to hell. Did the whole ask Jesus into your heart thing, and thought yay, I'm a real Christian now! I really got into it, too.

Over the years there were just so many problems with it, though, the biggest one being the issue of hell, and so I ended up drifting away from most of my faith although I still called myself a Christian.

I finally decided I wasn't one anymore, after days and days agonizing over it and reading different arguments. Part of this was due to the influence of someone I met who was the first to really challenge my beliefs.

It took a while but I slowly became more confident in my decision after being on the fence for a time.

Now I consider myself agnostic/atheist. I don't like hardcore materialists - I find them to be too closed-minded for my liking. I like the idea that there could be something out there, something we've never dreamed of. Not necessarily a god. The universe is a vast and strange place and I am of the belief that we know much less than we think we do. But then, who knows? ;)


Well-known member
Have been brought up as a Christian who believes in God but I also advocate a lot of spiritual values.


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i dont know exactly what to believe exactly anymore.

I dont mean that in a spiritual tragic way. Just to me theres so many possibilities.

Im still figuring it out each day.

I believe in an afterlife. I believe in SOMTHING. I just dont fully know what. and im still trying to figure out how that works.


Well-known member
I consider myself a christian, my twin is an atheist. I think it has to do with my surviving trauma, and even though his experience was bad, none of it caused him to have an out of body experience, which is what gave my faith a huge kick start.
For me, its about the expression of God, into the person of Jesus, unleashed through His spirit.

Religion, denomonations, hate, judging.. these are tools of evil.

If evil exists, it would do all it could to hide the truth.

But I have been so many things and people in my life, I understand everyone is at different places. All I will say is never stop seeking and asking. Its when you do that life becomes stagnant.

Hope this helps. I am glad we can all sane talk here.