So today I saw my doctor...


Active member
About a month ago I finally found the courage to make an appointment to see a doctor, hoping that I could be referred to a therapist for some professional help. I came away this first time feeling that he didn't really believe I had a problem, at the time I put this down to "maybe he doesn't have much experience in this particular area", and he gave me some advice anyway and some group service thing to contact.

Two weeks ago I get a letter from him saying "make a non-urgent appointment for review at your earliest convenience" so I made the appointment and today I went to see him again. Now comes what this is really about:

When I first walked in he said "What can I do for you today?", as if he hadn't even seen me before. I said "I got your letter" and then he had to check on his computer for the letter he sent... (obviously he didn't remember it) and he was looking for a good 2 or 3 minutes on his computer for this letter he forgot about, and seemed to be trying to recall who I was and I why I came to see him the month before.

He asked if things had gotten better or worse, I said "Nothing has improved, still the same, maybe worse" then he says "okay." And that was it...

He then asked if I made contact with this group, I said "no" because I can't print out the referral form they sent me in an email.

He asks if I want any medication, I said "no". Then he says "well you have to contact this group. Print the form" when I already said I can't! I can't print it because then I would have to ask my brother "can I use the printer to print this" he'd see what the form was about, then someone would know about this problem..I don't want that.

The final insult: he took the psychiatric evaluation form (it was enclosed in his letter) that I filled out the week before, clearly indicating, in my opinion, signs of depression and to some extent suicidal thoughts.. and he THROW IT IN THE BIN!! under his desk (and that's not the worst part.)....WHILE I WAS IN THE ROOM!!
He didn't even look at it from what I could tell.
I just wanted to kick him in the face and..I don't know... What a waste of time.


Well-known member
Hey Under,

Im really sorry to hear what youve gone through. You stood there longer than most and put up with more than alot of people would have. I have to commend you, youve got alot of guts.

This doctor obviously doesnt seem like a good fit. Are you open to the possibility of finding another?. Regardless of the outcome of this particular set of events, no two doctors are alike. And Many are very helpful with the problems we all face.

Dont give up, plz keep trying. There is still hope.


Well-known member
There are some really crappy doctors out there. it's ridiculous.

i had a doc make references to me having more children or getting pregnant like 6 times during one appointment after i already told him i had a hysterectomy...i got so upset i told him to go back to medical school and left the office in a huff.

I wouldn't give up hope though if i were you...there are so many docs out there who truly care for their patients and want to help. i recommend going onto one of those doctor review websites to find a good one. or perhaps?


Well-known member
You are in the UK? Get another doctor or register at another surgery. Keep trying until someone listens to you. I have personally never experienced such unprofessional conduct and ignorance going to doctors about my problems. Maybe he's losing it himself.