So many health problems come from one's diet.


Well-known member
people aren't aware that so many of the chronic pains and allergies and aches etc people deal with are due to a food intolerance/allergy

i've dealth with nasal congestion most of my life
and have seen countless doctors

these doctors never provide answers
it's probably just something in the air

no, there's something specific that you can pinpoint and can eliminate from your life

it's often some type of food

when i drastically reduced my dairy intake, my sinus aches and excessive mucus disappeared immediately

i'm going to start the hypoallergenic diet and try to pinpoint exactly what types of foods give me trouble

also, i just learned about something called candida overgrowth, which apparently affects many people
and can lead to all sorts of symptoms and chronic problems
that people think are caused by something else


Well-known member
I suspect it too.

I should keep up with what I eat better. Some days I mysteriously feel good, other days I just wake up feeling brainfogged, low energy, and overall very badly. It's affecting my life and may cause symptoms of anxiety. There must be certain foods that trigger it.

I will go to the doctor soon because I suspect I have something with my bloodsugar (diabetes maybe) but I alo have had symptoms of candida now that I've read about it. The trouble is that so many symptoms overlap each other and are so vague, and doctors probably also can't tell you everything.


Well-known member
I agree...I need to sort out my diet, as I suffer from a lot of health problems, but easy said than done.
Yea, I used to eat a lot of cheese everyday, I stopped it and I feel better. To keep a normal blood pressure I don't add table salt to my foods or eat foods that contain too much sodium, and I eat more fruits that contain potassium (banana, avocado, orange etc). I feel much better now.


Well-known member
I've been dealing with food allergies/intolerances for about 4 years now. Before being diagnosed, I always had problems with my sinuses. My nose was constantly stuffy/runny -- pretty much 3/4 of the year I dealt with it and the whole time I (and my parents too) thought it was just seasonal allergies, since I am sensitive to pollen and dust too and living in a rural area doesn't help.

Most of my sinus problems however didn't really stem from milk, rather it was wheat. I do know that milk can increase mucus production though, which is why you really shouldn't drink it if you have a cold or are dealing with similar issues. I do have a milk intolerance (not lactose intolerance, but an intolerance to casein, which is present in ALL milk products) and I avoid it, but when I was first making changes to my diet, wheat was the number 1 food for me that made a huge difference once I stopped eating it. Of course my list has progressed A LOT since then, I'm now up to 12 foods I can't eat, 2 of which I can't even be around without going into a reaction. Why I suddenly became allergic to all these foods now, no one knows. I think some of it is hereditary though, since I have a little cousin who's also allergic to milk and gluten. Either way though, avoiding what makes me sick obviously makes me feel so much better.

also, i just learned about something called candida overgrowth, which apparently affects many people
and can lead to all sorts of symptoms and chronic problems
that people think are caused by something else
^ I recently got over a severe bout of candidiasis a couple months ago. It started at the end of September/beginning of October and I had the worst stomach cramps and bloating with everything I ate, headaches, dizziness, nausea, leg cramps, short of breath, and my skin was redder than usual. I ended up going to the doctor's twice because of it, and he put me on a strict special diet (not your usual "candida diet" although it was similar. I think he actually designed this one himself, but it worked wonders for me after a regular candida diet wasn't doing it for me. One of the changes was that he took me completely off from pork and beef.), gave me 2 prescriptions of an anti-fungal, and I was taking 3 different herbal medicines along with it. It was a lot, but within a couple months after sticking with everything I felt so much better, and I'm still feeling great. My skin is the clearest it has been in months, no more redness! :D I decided to still stick with the diet he gave me, however I am eating fruit and natural sugars again with better results. Just need to take it easy so the candida doesn't flare up again.

Good luck with everything you're doing!


Well-known member
I used to eat yogurt but experienced severe stomach pains, not just once but thrice. After I took yogurt out of my diet, I don't have such pains anymore.


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