so i burned a salad last night

I literally laughed out loud. Lmfao.

At first the title of this thread was some hilariously twisted metaphor, but this is so much better. That's genius in its silliness. Not judging by the way, I once managed to get a 6 foot out-of-control-flame going.. trying to melt candle wax ''quicker''. In all fairness it did speed up the process.

Fret not, experiments with awkward results happen to all of us. ;3 *highfive*
Lmfao, Salad de Flambé. That's just great.


Well-known member
yea, i had it in the oven on a pan.

>.< LOL

LMFAO! Oh man this post was amusing and then this just set me off laughing even more but to be honest it's probably something I would do too lol.

I tried to cook an egg before and I somehow managed to get it stuck to a non stick pan lol. Don't quite know how that one works out!

I can cook eggs now, but man it was no easy road and sometimes there cold by the time I eat it! I'd never make an egg for anyone but me for this reason lol