So hows everyone been?


Well-known member
I havent been on for 2 weeks just seeing how everyones been doing? No I havent ran off and got a life I wish though haha.


Well-known member
You may not believe me, but I actually thought of you yesterday, thinking you hadn't been here for a little while. Good to see you're still around, mate. :)

Don't worry about are you?


Well-known member
lol mikey maybe its because my names mike to who knows though :). Thanks guys and thats good to hear I been doing ok same little dissapointing stuff but other than that been great just been relaxing and playing games then again seems like forever since I been on just needed a breather I suppose. Good to hear from you guys :) Hope you're both still doing good.


Well-known member
Thanks, still going alright, mate. Stressing a little about Christmas but meh, that's what happens this time of year.


Well-known member
Do you think the world will end in 2012? I wanted it to but now I'm not sure I mean there are a lot of people in the world and that would be a lot of deaths. It's coming close though though.


Well-known member
The world is going to end every year if you have not noticed lol id rather it be a rapture and leave me here to fight off the horde of the undead than to have an incoming planet hit us or whatever else that people are saying is going to happen in 2012.

The world was supposed to end in october or august from comet elena think thats the name because some people assume its because the explosion of the comet that got caught into the suns orbit blew up and threw it off course and some say other things but it didnt.

Besides idk your asking the wrong person lol I have suicidal thoughts here and there so Id probably wouldnt mind but as long as its nothing to do with the world flooding im ok LOL...I am a big hydrophoic when it comes to big bodies of water but I doubt it will happen besides would've seen the planet by now if thats what your talking about nibiru etc.

It is spose to be 4 times the size of jupiter and has been hiding behind the sun but they name planets planet X before they give them a real name if that makes you feel better so im sure its just a bunch of bs like always.


Well-known member
Why ya stressing about xmas? I know its over now I didnt get anything really but I didnt want nothing hope it was good still mikey. I know I coulda editted my other post but kinda forgot sorry for dbl post lmao...