Sing! Sing! Sing!


Well-known member
So a great way to end the day today in the emergency room, gosh I'm useless. So I twisted my knee, and the next thing you know I was on the floor and my boss and my coworker and two clients were standing right there trying to bring me back to consciousness. If blacked out and when I did I smacked my head on my desk, my cheekbone on my filing cabinet and got carpet burn on my forehead. So I have a minor concussion and the doctor did an ECG on my heart (because this isn't the first time it's happened) thankfully that came back clear but if it happens again they want to do an ECC on my brain, good luck finding that :). Fun times...


Well-known member
This mornings dilemmas so far; I needed to wash my hair but there's swelling at the front of my head and skin taken off, I decided to wash it anyway and it was painful! The second dilemma was needing to brush my hair, it's long, curly and knotty I seriously contemplated either cutting it off and avoiding brushing it or just putting it up without brushing it. I dismissed the first idea almost immediately and tried the second, but with my killer headache I couldn't stand to have it up so I had to brush it. It was torture! But it's over now.
How about putting it up in a pony tail and not brushing it till you get better? Can you even do that? Does it got to be brushed that often? I'm curious.


Well-known member
I have a lot of hair it needs to be brushed everyday, even twice a day, it's long and thick and not to mention curly so not brushing it for a day is disastrous! I would have put it up but I have a splitting headache and putting up only seemed to make it worse....
I have a lot of hair it needs to be brushed everyday, even twice a day, it's long and thick and not to mention curly so not brushing it for a day is disastrous! I would have put it up but I have a splitting headache and putting up only seemed to make it worse....

Wow. Good thing I'm a guy! Way too lazy to be a girl. I ain't combed my hair in years. That's why i wear a hat ha ha ha :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Sometimes family is so hard, people are so difficult. You let people close to you and they make life so hard. I'm tired of being hurt and seeing people around me be hurt, it kills me. I sometimes think I'm not meant for this world, I hate seeing all the suffering. I can feel it when I see peoples pain it's like my own, sounds dumb but it's true. I know that's just how the world is and you can't help everyone but it's sad nonetheless. Anyway, the people around me keep hurting me, and then the worst bit is they play it off as a joke and make me feel worse. Why? What's wrong with people?


Well-known member
I wanted to write something positive tonight to over come the negativity that threatens to consume me. Any way I figured why not write about the person that is always there to help me with my negative thinking and that's my partner. Although we haven't been together long the time we have spent together has been extraordinary for me. The time has flown by and each day I learn to love and trust him more, more than my friends now, it's crazy. I've never felt this way before, they say your first love is the one you never forget, personally I hope it's one that I never lose. I doubt I could find someone as amazing as he is, he is so kind and patient and loving with me I'm really surprised by how much he cares for me. I don't ever want to lose him, sounds silly to some but I think I found the love of my life. I've never had something so good happen to me and I get scared that I will lose it. But he reassures me that I won't, I really don't know how I got so lucky. It's strange to have someone I feel I could tell anything to, someone I can just be myself with and trust that he will be there for me. I've never been as open with anyone about myself as I am with him, this vulnerability is scary but at the same time it's a learning experience that it's okay to let people in. I haven't had the easiest life, haven't really had people I could rely on, there's been a lot of hurt and problems along the way but, now thanks to him I feel like I have a happy future waiting. I feel that the storm will pass, I have something I didn't have before, hope! Hope that I will have a happy, bright and loving future with someone who would never try and hurt me, and that's an amazing feeling to have. I feel happier since I've been with him and my life is fuller, I love it and I love him :)! My new life filled with him is great and I refuse to allow people to wreck this for me, I'm going to enjoy being young and in love. I'm going to become the best me I can, because he deserves the best and insists on having me, so I want to be that amazing person he seems to think I am, time to learn to be better. Love it's great!
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Someone should please just shoot me, humans aren't made to have this much pain, they can't be. There's been many ups and downs in my life, the downs have been tough but I have never felt this way. There's so much mental and emotional anguish that it's taking a physical toll on my body. The time has finally come that I am just broken. Perhaps beyond repair, I don't know anymore. All I can do is say I'm fine and pretend for the world that I'm okay. But I'm not, I don't know what to do anymore. I'm just lost it's like I've been sucked into this deep dark abyss and I don't know how to get out anymore...,


Well-known member
Went to the doctor (again) today, I’m so sick of them! I don't like doctors, full stop. Since my little incident at work i have been to the doctors way to often. Anyway today during my appointment i informed him that i was still getting persistent migraines and he said that i will have to come back and see him next week, they will probably do blood tests, an MRI and a cat scan. Fan-freaking-tastic! That's at least three more appointments, then he said he is concerned and that perhaps i will have to be sent to Sydney for brain testing, personally i don't think they will find one, it's been missing for years! Hahaha, seriously though, i don't like all of these tests, and i hate having all of this time off from everything. I'm having problems with heart/chest pains and my doctor is really worried, i had an ECG a week and a half ago and it came back fine so we are sort of at a loss as to why this is. I'm really tired of the aches and pains, it gets in the way of me doing the things i enjoy and also things that i need to do, hopefully i start to recover soon! On the plus side I’m off to Parramatta for a few days tomorrow with a group of friends, i nearly couldn't go but i was adamant that i was going, no one was going to stop me. I'm really excited, shopping, plays, friends and new experiences, should be good, i just hope my head doesn't hold me back! Apart from that life is not too exciting, which is good. Not too much stress.


Well-known member
Went to the doctor (again) today, I’m so sick of them! I don't like doctors, full stop. Since my little incident at work i have been to the doctors way to often. Anyway today during my appointment i informed him that i was still getting persistent migraines and he said that i will have to come back and see him next week, they will probably do blood tests, an MRI and a cat scan. Fan-freaking-tastic! That's at least three more appointments, then he said he is concerned and that perhaps i will have to be sent to Sydney for brain testing, personally i don't think they will find one, it's been missing for years! Hahaha, seriously though, i don't like all of these tests, and i hate having all of this time off from everything. I'm having problems with heart/chest pains and my doctor is really worried, i had an ECG a week and a half ago and it came back fine so we are sort of at a loss as to why this is. I'm really tired of the aches and pains, it gets in the way of me doing the things i enjoy and also things that i need to do, hopefully i start to recover soon! On the plus side I’m off to Parramatta for a few days tomorrow with a group of friends, i nearly couldn't go but i was adamant that i was going, no one was going to stop me. I'm really excited, shopping, plays, friends and new experiences, should be good, i just hope my head doesn't hold me back! Apart from that life is not too exciting, which is good. Not too much stress.

'Excited about going to Parramatta', I have never heard of that phenomenon before. :bigsmile:


Well-known member
Hey, that sounds like a good trip, especially after all those doctor visits. :)

Parramatta has an unenviable reputation, but the shopping there is supposed to be good. I'll be closer to the city on Saturday, so if you're out that way, let me know and we can meet up.


Well-known member
Parramatta was so much fun, i missed spending time with my friends and just chatting and catching up. Unfortunately i was dreadfully ill the first night i was there but i got better as the time passed, thankfully. I did so much shopping it's crazy, I’m not a huge shopper preferring to save my money for things i need or for stuff for my future, but for one day i just let loose and bought way too much stuff. I needed some of it, but some of the things were definitely impulse buys! I've decided not to beat myself up over it though, it's done now and it isn't as if i have ever done it before, normally i spend a fortune on everyone else, so it was odd. Finally, getting back to my life a bit more now, thank goodness any more time off and i will start loosing my mind. Speaking of which i have another doctors appointment tomorrow because i am still getting these dreadful headaches! Hopefully some tests will work out what is going on because i am getting a little tired of them.

I can't decide whether i am truly blessed or just cursed at the moment. I was offered a full time position at the beginning of the year at a lawyers office as a full time receptionist. This was just based on my previously demonstrated work ethic and the grades i achieve, which is an honour i guess. I turned it down as it's my last year of school and i already have a contract for two years at my current job, so did what was right. Now I am forced to seriously consider what i am going to do with myself next year, there are so many options. The lawyers office decided that they still want me there and have offered me a five year contract and an opportunity to pursue a career in business or law, or even do any other degree i want whilst working. This seems like a really good opportunity because i could stay with my family (mainly for my younger brothers sake) and also save so that i can be more financially stable. The current company i work for has been discussing offering me a position at the end of the year so i can build a career that way (as my contract is over at the end of the year). But there is also the option of going straight to university or there's the plan to go to America next year or even England is still a possibility at this stage. I have less than three months to start making decisions and it's driving me crazy! :kickingmyself: