Well-known member
I'm moving to America next year! Still in shock
Tonight I heard the one thing that no one should ever hear from a parent. My mother has said many things to me over the years, hurtful things, things I forgive and move on from even though they hurt, I've been told I am a mistake and I wrecked her life and all of those sorts of things and I mean that's okay. I am used to it. But tonight for the first time in my life my mother said to me straight out "I don't love you, I never have and I never will. It doesn't matter what you say or do, I won't love you." It just continued from there into more insults and whatever but to actually have her say to me she doesn't love me, that hurt. Those words hurt more than punches and I would know she's dished out her fair share of physical violence over the years. If my own mother can't love me then how can anyone else? So I starts pushing others away tonight and I am so sorry for it. I regret it and take it back and I hope they know that. I was blind by pain, normally I sink into a numbness and become unreachable tonight I just broke. Not loved. Wow. I'm probably over sharing, sorry.
Thanks guys but I'm okay, I guess I really suck at holding grudges because when she apologized today I forgave her immediately. Oh well, I could have worse personality traits. Been doing some writing today and it's been nice, a healthy way to express what I have hidden in the depths of my mind. No one ever needs to know just me but it's done then. Really tired today because I didn't sleep at all last night so hopefully rest comes easy tonight
I don't know what to do, I want to scream, scream at the top of my lungs until all the hurt goes away. I want to cry I just want it gone why can't I be happy, be normal? I hate this, everywhere is pain, in my mind, my heart even my body. I pushed everyone away and that's okay because I deserve to be alone right now, hell always perhaps I don't know yet. I tried to wash it all away, I've had three showers today and it's only 9:30am, it's not working either. I'm so tired, this sucks hopefully I can make it pass soon.
Just not having a good day at all, and I would say I should go back to bed but the bad day started before I got out of it. It's just one of those days where everything is weighing on me, events catch up to me eventually, I'm hopeful things will turn around for the better soon.