I work in a fast food outlet while I'm at uni just part time to pay for my car insurance etc. However, whenever I see friends/family/people I know and even girls which I find attractive I'll go plumb red. It might sound trivial but its such a horrible feeling, even worse when they notice.
Its just so annoying, its stopping me from doing things I want to do for example I have never flirted in my life as instead of doing this I will go bright red, turn into somone im not and become very nervous and shakey and just generally trying to avoid eye contact. Even old friends from school, I really wanna talk to them ask em what they are up to etc but instead I'll turn bright red, start shaking and just pretend I dont recognise them.
I know many people will say just forget your blushing and don't think about it - but I really have tried this and it doesnt really help.
Does hypnotherapy help at all? Anything else I should be looking at doing? Would going to the doctors help?
I work in a fast food outlet while I'm at uni just part time to pay for my car insurance etc. However, whenever I see friends/family/people I know and even girls which I find attractive I'll go plumb red. It might sound trivial but its such a horrible feeling, even worse when they notice.
Its just so annoying, its stopping me from doing things I want to do for example I have never flirted in my life as instead of doing this I will go bright red, turn into somone im not and become very nervous and shakey and just generally trying to avoid eye contact. Even old friends from school, I really wanna talk to them ask em what they are up to etc but instead I'll turn bright red, start shaking and just pretend I dont recognise them.
I know many people will say just forget your blushing and don't think about it - but I really have tried this and it doesnt really help.
Does hypnotherapy help at all? Anything else I should be looking at doing? Would going to the doctors help?