Should I visit a hooker?


Well-known member
No way, don't f**** do it. What's it going to change? What are you going to do, walk around with your head held a little higher from now on?

If you're uncomfortable just talking to a woman, how are you going to relax enough in front a hooker to enjoy the experience?

How are you going to find a hooker anyway? The phone book? Would it be under "E" for "Escort" or "P" for "Prostitute"? Is it even legal where you are? Look, I may be wrong, but you don't seem like someone that has those sort of "connections".

You're just asking for all sorts of trouble. She's likely to have a disease. She's certainly not going to tell you if she does. And if she senses that you're not experienced in visiting her type, she might just play you for a sucker, take your money, and run.

And what happens if you actually do enjoy it? And you want more? Does this become a habit? If you only do it once, you might get away with no consequences. But you're playing with fire.

Look, I'll be honest with you here. If I was still a virgin at your age I might have taken the idea seriously. So I can't say I know completely what you're going through. But, things being the way they are, I think it's a terrible idea.


Well-known member
Hey, Argamemnon

i dont want to tell you what you SHOULD and SHOULDNT do
i dont see a right or wrong in the situation.. just consequences. so, perhaps it might be helpful for you to make up a list of pros and cons
something like 'if i do go ahead with it.. what will be the consequnce'
*rid your shame/embarassment
*increase confidence
*make you more prepared for when you want to have a meaningul sexual experience

'if i dont, what will be the consequence'

whatever, etc.. you get the picture.
those are just some examples.. may or may not be true to your feelings.

this will create a clearer picture for you in your head and lead to a choice that is more true to your needs and wants.. not what other people are telling you.

people can give you all the adivce in the world
and yes, it may be helpful in getting you to think about the situation
but at the end of the day, the advice we give is often biased towards out own self-interests. please keep that in mind.


Well-known member
I think you should go for it. Remember you only live once.

Moralists are the greatest hypocrites themselves. Just go for it dude enjoy every moment of it.

And don't EVER give a shit about religious whackjob moralists who tell you to refrain from personal pleasures... because in the end, you're gonna wank and they're gonna fuck some kiddie porn altar boys.


Well-known member
Hey Argamemnon, Roseycheeks ain't lying either!

In the end it IS up to you. Just be responsible and make a GOOD choice for yourself instead of making a choice out of desperation.

That being said, I think you value yourself more. I think you hold yourself to a higher esteem & I think you should wait. (Easier said than done, I'm sure, but what the hell!) The right person is out there! And you certainly don't have to pay her to show you some affection!

If hiring someone is what it takes to obtain the feeling of love and value, I'd rather feel neither.

Long story short, don't do it Arg. In the long run, it won't be worth the self-compromise.


Well-known member
krs2snow said:
Hi again, Arg :D

I can understand the need to have physical contact w/someone but I don't think a hooker is such a good idea, imo anyway. First, theres the issue of legality. I'm not sure about the UK but I know here prostitution is illegal and soliciting a prostitute can land you in "The Big House". Then there's disease. Of course you would be safe and use protection and of course the hooker of your choosing would be tested, clean, and disease free. Buuut, in the case that you didn't or in the case that she wasn't, it's probably not worth risking your health for one nite of ehem 'fun'. Then there's religion. And the guilt that comes along with it. That's a big one. There's also issues of money, availability & opportunity. I don't know about you but, where I live I never see hookers. Wouldn't know where they are or where they hang out or whatever. And, what in the heck would you tell your family? Like, if you had to drive an hour away to find your hoe, you'd have to lie to your family and tell 'em you were somewhere else the whole day. There's other things to consider too but those are the top few I can think of for right now.

Anyways, I write this with a degree of humor. Maybe I'm mistaken but, I don't think you're all that serious about gettin' yourself a hooker. :wink: Hope I'm right.
Hi krs2snow :D

Thanks for the reply. Actually, I am serious. I live in the Netherlands and it's a lot easier and safer here :)


Well-known member
lonely_down_under said:
I think you should go for it. Remember you only live once.

Moralists are the greatest hypocrites themselves. Just go for it dude enjoy every moment of it.

And don't EVER give a shit about religious whackjob moralists who tell you to refrain from personal pleasures... because in the end, you're gonna wank and they're gonna fuck some kiddie porn altar boys.

Yea. This is a guy to take advice from. :roll:


Well if you have no other plans for the weekend then I would say do it, it's got to be more fun than bullshitting on message boards,


Bleach said:
Well if you have no other plans for the weekend then I would say do it, it's got to be more fun than bullshitting on message boards,

See, this is the main difference between the male and female species.

Male = if it makes sense at this very moment, I should do it!

Female= if it makes sense at this very moment BUT has Negative consequences- I shouldn't do it!


I only -wish- I thought like that, then I wouldn't have social phobia. But it goes to show, I give much advice I wouldn't take


Well-known member
I have gone to a hooker. However I have always been frigging paranoid about disease. I went & did it. It wasn't anything to write about. The next few weeks were nail biting to say the least. Ultimately, I was fine. It was all in my head. But after this experience I decided that I was never going to do it again and I haven't done it. It was a long time ago..

After this, I learned how to game chicks inspite of my SA, (I don't recommend it but alcohol helps to get SA down) got with lots of them.

If you haven't done the hooker thing yet. I would say don't. Right now you are at a low in your life. You don't want to go any lower (talking about disease here)

Work on your SA and skills with women. (send me a PM and I'll point you to the right direction)


Iam 21 and thought about the same thing. That disease thing is holding me back thou. I am so scared of catching one and iam clueless about sex diseases, what kind of disease can you get if you use a condom?


Well-known member
Do it..not don' do don't.

Well what can be worse that SP - a disease that you might not get.

I think if you go to a reputable escort agency then you will get women that are concious of health and safety.

You can start off with a bj and then if you like it full penetration. But make sure you use protection at all times.

On the other hand, you might go through with it and realise that it is a bad idea. Then you will say I am not a virgin but that was a bad experience.

I think there are two camps here...the for and against. I think only you can decide. It's a difficult one. Sometimes I wished that I had gone to a prostitute to get the idea out of my head. I think the experience would at least allow you to move on and focus your energy on other things.

Good luck.


Well-known member
krs2snow said:
lonely_down_under said:
I think you should go for it. Remember you only live once.

Moralists are the greatest hypocrites themselves. Just go for it dude enjoy every moment of it.

And don't EVER give a shit about religious whackjob moralists who tell you to refrain from personal pleasures... because in the end, you're gonna wank and they're gonna fuck some kiddie porn altar boys.

Yea. This is a guy to take advice from. :roll:

Haha, you're welcome. So a stalker does sarcasm.


Well-known member
j_brown87 said:
Iam 21 and thought about the same thing. That disease thing is holding me back thou. I am so scared of catching one and iam clueless about sex diseases, what kind of disease can you get if you use a condom?

Genital warts for one, because it's spread through skin to skin contact of the affected area and the affected area usually includes the anus or peritoneum wich comes into direct contact with your loosely covered base. Just because you dont happen to see any warts down there doesnt mean they're not hiding somewhere, like on the cervix or stuck between some folds or wrinkles. Some people carry the virus and never grow any warts, but you sure as shit will. You can get it through making out or oral sex too, since the mucous membranes of the throat are fair game for the virus. (Pesky as hell.)

Hepatitus spreads through saliva sometimes, so you can get it from kissing an infected person. You cant tell someone has Hep C untill their liver starts shutting down and they get jaundiced. (So, you know. Dont fuck a yellow hooker?)

It's a high-stakes gamble.


Well-known member
Go to a decent indoor brothel type thing.
Don't just nab one off the street.

You can look up the popular ones online or in the phone book.
Go for it. It's not a big deal, you'll soon discover.


Well-known member
these 'wait for the right person' talks really get on my nerve, then again noone forces me to read them lol
as for the subject, i think one shouldnt question it on here or anywhere and just do it, if u feel like doing it. personally for me it was a huge psychological relief. and these sexual disease talks are utter bullshit made up by cavemen who never heard of condoms lol