Should I visit a hooker?


Well-known member
incomplete_person said:
You deserve better than that, Argamemnon. :D
Well, what I deserve has nothing to do with the reality I'm facing. 32 years of involuntary celibacy is enough, I would say. Or should I aim for another 32 years?
I explained it to you the best I could. I'm not going to argue with you about it. If you think that is best then go for it. Just make sure you dont get any STDs. You reaaaaally don't know where that has been.

What you should be aiming for is to separate yourself from emotions beyond your control and look at yourself from the outside. Having sex isn't the issue. You will feel just as crappy as you did before you had it. I already told you that but you didn't listen to me. So im not going to go back and forth and leave another 11 pages of posts all telling you the same thing.

In the end its your life. Do whatever makes you happy.
even if that means sodomizing a whore


Well-known member
incomplete_person said:
What you should be aiming for is to separate yourself from emotions beyond your control and look at yourself from the outside.
I agree, but I don't know how..


Well-known member
my friends want me to go to a strip club cause i'm in a similar position but all machoness aside (i never claim this with my friends) but i don't want to just have sex or just feel up a girl... I want more :(


Well-known member
ventriloone said:
my friends want me to go to a strip club cause i'm in a similar position but all machoness aside (i never claim this with my friends) but i don't want to just have sex or just feel up a girl... I want more :(

I feel the same way. Sex just by itself doesn't really interest me.


Well-known member
Its a very delicate situation, but as long as its not illegal where you live and you're comfortable with it. I don't see the harm.


New member
If you haven't lost you're sanity yet I don't think you have anything to worry about. I'm truly sorry about you're situation. I think maybe you should go to a strip club first though, it's less intimate. The pressure of having sex with a prostitute would be more intense than asking a girl out on a date or forming a relationship in my opinion. Why waste your hard earned money on that anyway. It would be the equivalent to totally giving up on your self.


New member

You should definitely visit a hooker!!!! Think about it. You get the experience, so you lose some of the anxiety making a second time, your real first experience, less stressful. But, don't just visit any hooker. Make sure it's a really really hot one!!! If your going to do it...go all the way and do it RIGHT!!! Go to the Bunny Ranch or something! Spare no expense. Chances are you will go quick, so make sure your ready to pay for two rounds. Get the most out of the experience and move on!!! I've never visited a hooker, but if I was in your shoes and considering it...I'd say screw it (pun intended) and have some fun with it!!!! One more thing.. make sure you talk dirty to the hooker... just for fun!!!! Best of luck!!!
As graphic as this may be, it is true.

If you have ever masterbated before, you have pretty much had sex, and if you havent ever had sex and you just want to do it for the hell of it, trust me, just whack off and look at porno or do what ever makes you "go"....

Ive done both dirty deeds im not ashame to say it, for I am human and I am imperfect, learn from my mistakes and many others', for i wish that I saved my virginity for my true love, instead of tossing it away like some cheap frisby from Wal-mart.