Sexual abuse?


Well-known member
Would you consider this scenario sexual abuse? -

A boy of about 7 years old went along with his older sister (3 years older) to her friend's house who was the same age as her. The boy decides to leave on his bicycle when his sister shouts ''come back a minute!''

The boy goes back then is persuaded to make out with the friend. The boy does not really want to do it but feels scared and confused becasue his sister told him to do it. The boy and the girl make out then it turns to the girl showing her genitals and the boy is asked to do the same. It then turns to simulating sex (both are ignorant so roll around on the grass with their genitals exposed and touching, obviously the boy is too young to have started having erections so no penetration takes place)

All this time the boy's sister has been standing alongside watching, the boy feels guilty, disgusted, humuliated, and wishes he would have not gone back when called and ridden on home. For the rest of the evening the boy is riddled with a feeling of confusion and guilt, and humuliation. The boy's sister then threatens to tell their parents about what happened whenever she feels she needs the upper hand in any matter.


Well-known member
short answer, yes, absolutely.

She obviously knew what was going on and did this to have power over another. Even if he said nothing to stop it, the fact he was unwilling and afraid in itself makes it sexual abuse. Theres a huge diff between simple "child play" and exploring and being curious VS what youve just described, in fact id wonder if in fact his older sister herself hadnt been abused, as its been studied that many children who have been abused will abuse other younger children.


Staff member
Yes it is abuse.

The boy's sister then threatens to tell their parents about what happened whenever she feels she needs the upper hand in any matter.

Weird that a ten year old girl would use a pedo tactic as this, could she be the victim of abuse herself and emulating?


Well-known member
"The boy's sister then threatens to tell their parents about what happened whenever she feels she needs the upper hand in any matter."

She would have to tell her part in it and methinks she would not want to. If this is your sister tell her to go right ahead and tell the whole story or you will tell them. That 7 year old boy was too young to really know what the hell was going on so he should not have any bad feelings. No one shouldn't have to live with that bullying.

user deleted

Yes it is abuse.

Weird that a ten year old girl would use a pedo tactic as this, could she be the victim of abuse herself and emulating?


Not only is it abuse, but I'd be concerned about whether the sister is also being abused. If this happened a long time ago, I'd be concerned as to how she emotionally progressed. While female sex offenders are less common, they certainly occur and are frequently not reported.