There are many who enter escort industry under their own free will in legal brothels. I often wonder about the lives of those in the porn an prostitution industries and how their lives have brought them to that decision.
I'm so glad someone brought this topic up, too often people don't really think too deeply about these things. And you bring up a great point Kiwong.
But yeah exactly..even if you take trafficking out of the equation and the sex trade, then a lot of the time, prostitution is still quite tragic.. even when done willingly, it till tends to be wrapped up in tragedy, people doing it out of desperation or as a last resort, because they have a drug habit, because they don't value themselves highly.
Because its illegal in most places too, it's frequently wrapped up in other elements of crime or the people doing it are exploited.
It is important not to generalize, I'm sure there are people who choose to do it, it's called the most honest profession and in places where it's legal and the people are protected you know, maybe it's not all a bad thing and maybe even some of them are quite content. But some people choose to inject Heroin.. just because people choose to do something doesn't make it right or healthy, they know the risks and they are adults, but a lot of the time life has treated them very badly or they hold so little worth on themselves.
Again I'm not making out all prostitutes or escorts are all poor exploited people but I think it's very naive to think it's a harmless profession, more so in the places where it is illegal.
I actually find sex quite repulsive physically unless I feel a bond for the person, but eve if I was sexually liberated and has no issue, I don't think I could ever pay someone for sex, I have seen the misery these peoples some times go through, young girls doing it out of desperation or to feed a drug addiction, they are going to do it anyway sure... but ill not risk feeding their misery just to feel some physical pleasure.