There's different TYPES of intelligence. The 2 most commonly-known tests for such are the IQ (which tests
overall intelligence), and "emotional IQ" (tests for "
emotional intelligence"). I think another is "
social intelligence". Also "
street-smart" intelligence.
And MAYBE the one that maybe people have in today's egocentric world is "
obvious intelligence" (or "
seen-to-be intelligence")? hehe. But seriously, these people have to APPEAR to be "very intelligent", so they put all their efforts into the things that can give them the "status" of "a very intelligent person" .. which of course means they are severely lacking in the other, "unseen" areas of their lives (which they keep hidden from others, as are their weaknesses/flaws; & they probably deny those weaknesses as well, prefering to focus on the "
appearing to be intellgent" part, which makes them feel .. well .. "intelligent", as well as "successful"

I've always had very low social & emotional intelligences, but very high left-brain intelligence. But personally, my EXCESSIVELY-high intelliegence (have an IQ of 140/so) is a
double-edged-sword. It helps me attack ideas/problems/projects/etc with it, but it also attacks
me (majorly, on a constant basis)!. And i have great difficulty in "relaxing" with people (or by myself), as my intelligence is always on "overdrive", and i'm constantly overwhelmed by everything & confused

And the overall result of of all this is to make me feel sad/hopeless about EVERYTHING! :
