Sad/hopeless about NOT being intelligent


Well-known member
I have often wondered if sp could be considered a learning difficulty in its self. I have some learning difficulties and I always felt I was unable to grasp things like other people could social cues is amongst the list it does make me feel bad at time but It is something that can be worked on and every one has their strengths and weaknesses they have to deal with.


Well-known member
I definitely know how you feel, and when people being interviewed on live tv, give so complex answers, i definitely feel like a simpleton :) I know I am though.


Active member
There's different TYPES of intelligence. The 2 most commonly-known tests for such are the IQ (which tests overall intelligence), and "emotional IQ" (tests for "emotional intelligence"). I think another is "social intelligence". Also "street-smart" intelligence.
And MAYBE the one that maybe people have in today's egocentric world is "obvious intelligence" (or "seen-to-be intelligence")? hehe. But seriously, these people have to APPEAR to be "very intelligent", so they put all their efforts into the things that can give them the "status" of "a very intelligent person" .. which of course means they are severely lacking in the other, "unseen" areas of their lives (which they keep hidden from others, as are their weaknesses/flaws; & they probably deny those weaknesses as well, prefering to focus on the "appearing to be intellgent" part, which makes them feel .. well .. "intelligent", as well as "successful" :cool::D)

I've always had very low social & emotional intelligences, but very high left-brain intelligence. But personally, my EXCESSIVELY-high intelliegence (have an IQ of 140/so) is a double-edged-sword. It helps me attack ideas/problems/projects/etc with it, but it also attacks me (majorly, on a constant basis)!. And i have great difficulty in "relaxing" with people (or by myself), as my intelligence is always on "overdrive", and i'm constantly overwhelmed by everything & confused :confused: And the overall result of of all this is to make me feel sad/hopeless about EVERYTHING! ::(:

Types of intelligence. Lol so true. Reminds me of my uncle. So much college. He is a doctor but does not work as one. Can not hold a job, no common sense. Got hit by a car because he did not look before he crossed. Got a lot pretty stuff to hang on the walls, certificates ect. Ask him a question and he knows the answer though.


Well-known member
oh gosh - sad/hopeless because of being TOO intelligent sometimes too - GRR!!

(I sympathize tho - it can be frustrating - especially if you live among people who think differently - know there are more than one intelligence, maybe it could be helpful to you to read about the 7+ different intelligences yeah?)

Cori, was that an insult or a genuine quiestion? :)
Yup, overanalyzing can happen yeah - but even worse is thinking OH GOSH HOW COULD HE/THEY DO IT??? GRR!!!!!

Gaucho - are you musical/artsy? Or sportsy? Some people don't 'think' in verbal structures (sentences, words) but in images, feelings, etc.

It was a genuine question. I tend to be educated in some areas more than other people, and in other areas way less. But in some situations, I find myself over analyzing a situation, because I tend to only understand more complex things vs simple. I wondered if any one else did the same. D:


Well-known member
Types of intelligence. Lol so true. Reminds me of my uncle. So much college. He is a doctor but does not work as one. Can not hold a job, no common sense. Got hit by a car because he did not look before he crossed. Got a lot pretty stuff to hang on the walls, certificates ect. Ask him a question and he knows the answer though.

LMFAO! I don't have a college degree yet, but this reminds me of myself! I can always grasp complex problems, but something really simple (some things people consider as 'common sense), I fail at so bad. I am also the most clumsy person you'd ever meet. And you think people like that could slow down and do simple things, but it's so hard for me.


Well-known member
My problem is that I look like a nerd, but I'm dumb as a rock. Life really screwed me over.


I have such a hard time reading because of dyslexia.
My only friend is an author-- when people ask him if I'm a fan of his books, he can't really say because I haven't been able to get through one in it's entirety and understand what it's about or even remember anything that happened.
There's no point in reading anything if you can't even remember what it was about.

It only makes me feel retarded that I can't get lost in a book or enjoy reading and that's something even a toddler can do.

I feel stupid for lots of reasons- that's just one major one.
It does make me feel like less of a person, like there's a disconnect, like I must be completely unintelligent for even being unable to read a newspaper or a pamphlet and understand what it is I'm looking at and remember what it was about 2 minutes later-- after struggling for 10 minutes to read it.

I can relate, though I don´t have dyslexia in reading, but in social interactions. I have never had dyslexia, but imagine it´s like you can figure out the single letters, but before you manage to put them together, you forget the beginning, let alone being able to read fluently and at the same time understand the meaning of the sentences. I have described my problem in the Family Constellations thread. It´s like I can register the social clues but don´t have the ability to put them together and see the overall context or acting appropriately according to it. I have also more difficulty following the spoken word than reading. Sometimes also because I get caught up in observing the person´s gestures and behaviour, and distracted by having to keep eye contact etc. I try hard not to loose notion of what´s being said, but it´s definitely more demanding than reading. Guess I must appear to others like absent minded and confused most of the time.


Well-known member
Being intelligent enough to know what the problems is, but not being able to overcome it.


Well-known member
i can relate to the op. i got mostly D's and f's in school and flunked out. i don't know how to drive a car. my hand writing is completely unreadable to anyone but me. i am horrid at math. i only know the times tables of 2 and 5 and that's only up to ten. i swear to cow, i think the cat is smarter than me. boy howdy, do i know that feel.


Well-known member
i used to be smarter wen i was younger i tink ppl also appear smart wen tey know abt certain topics or are good wit language u know ter r many kinds o intelligence - euen kinetic or body or being good in sports is a kind o intelligence btw sorry my keyboard is broken - so only cos u cant express urselp doesnt mean u idiot - ie my sense o direction sucks - some idiots are geniuses wit tat - ie some are naturals at some tings


Active member
I love mathematics, I am studying number theory by my own(just finish an introduction to multivariable calculus in just a month). Thanks to I can have expensive books for free. I am using awesome books that I could never buy...

and i think that this love for mathematics is helping me... at the beginning it was very difficult to have concentration and patience, but now the only word to describe my experience with this subject is love.

I tried music, cinema and all kinds of art... but my life is mathematics.
There is another thing that i trying to "love": languages... i got 40gb of books and audio-books from the piratebay and next year i will start to study french,russian and japanese. And I will get better in english too.

The only sad thing about this is that no ones that I know care about these subjects.
But to tell the truth, sometimes i feel an idiot for doing this, because when someone from my family see me in my room, locked... studying... they think:

The only reason that you are doing this, it is because you are a looser.
Maybe it is truth...

I went to a university(just to visit a class... to see how they work and stuff...) and every student in the math departament were just like me:
ugly, strange and sad.

If you find something that you like... put your mind there, do a lot of effort, and everything will be fine. The only problem that you are going to have will come from people that don't like to see you happy.


Well-known member
hi there. the thread could also be named: "bitter about being stupid" hehe
I just wanted to post that it hurts me to see how everyone is able to make complicated sentences wile talking, having clear thoughts, being able to remember things and have clear believes. I have nothing of all that.
I just started university and I realized how everyone is so much more intelligent than me, it hurts so much and makes me depressed to think that I'm in the wrong place were I don't belong to, because I'm not at the same level.
Even after watching movies I forget what I saw, even the things i like an am interested in i forget the important facts/dates.
I also have a problem expressing myself the way I want to, what probably also is a factor of SA.

Does anyone here has the same problems?
I'm exactly same. But I think everyone's intelligent at certain topics and not so much at others. Maybe you don't like what you're studying, that's why it feels like you're not smart when actually you're not interested.
I never remember facts or dates too, I just get a general idea of the whole concept, its impossible for me to remember details.
Heck I never even remember the faces or names of people.
I also have a very hard time expressing myself. I agree, maybe its a part of having SA.


Well-known member
You are not stupid, but i honestly think you are just thinking that for you to have things to worry you. If its not about not having friends its that you're not ''intelligent''. I really don't think you're stupid, you're just stressed out.
It needn't mean that you're not intelligent. Depressing, fear, nerves, ect, all have a impact on what you're mentally capable of. I've been stuck in strongly reduced mental state for months now.


I should be a lot smarter than I am - I realize I have the capacity, in my life I have learned all sorts of topics from astronomy, mathematics, sociology, foreign languages, music and computer programming - I just SUCK at all of it. Jack of all trades master of none.

And the reason is because of my limiting beliefs about myself - most of my life I have been riddled with crippling depression/anxiety, self esteem and that holiest of holys - good old self confidence. You can only learn so much through a book before you have to venture.... "out there" - I simply cant shut my mind down to focus and absorb.

So yeah, I consider myself to be a bit thick.


Well-known member
I feel stupid because my family supports me and I just recently turned 24. I can't find the willpower or the courage to get a job and I certainly don't have the social skills to thrive in a work environment. :(


Well-known member
every time i've been tested, my IQ scores are in the genius range

every standardized test i've taken - PSAT, ACT, SAT, GRE, ASVAB, etc. - i've scored in the upper 1 or 2 percentile

apparently i'm really good at taking tests

that seems to be all it means