Questions that cause you anxiety?


What are some common questions that cause anxiety for you? If you want too feel free to explain why also.

The worst one for me is "do you work?" or "what do you do?". I hate that one because I'm on disability and feel embarrassed. I'm afraid if I tell the truth people will think I'm a burden on society and should be "removed from the gene pool" as some people say about those of us with difficulties.

Next, "Are you a Christian" or "What do you believe in". I am terrified about this question because of how some people react since I'm not Christian. I used to be big on religious tolerance but to be honest I have a hard time now as I'm afraid for my well being to answer this sometimes. This fear just started last year when I went to AA and rehab which was a nightmare being agoraphobic. I'm convinced the intolerance and proselytization in both programs that deny being religious only made me more afraid of people.

One of the most annoying is "Do you have a girlfriend" or "why don't you have a girlfriend"? Even worse are the statements like "you will find a nice girl". First, I like to be alone and am very set in my views. I am not interested in having to make "compromises" for someone or even lose part of myself in a "relationship". I don't personally believe in monogamy as I think it is unnatural and part of the reason for divorce rates, cheating, and senseless heart break. If I dare answer that question honestly though society will look down on me.


Well-known member
"do you work? " I have trouble with that question to for I am on disability to and bug me because I know all the girl want a working man. anther question that bug me is" How was your day today ? " as I can`t real come up with anything to say because I can`t remember do anything but stay in side and watch T.V and study sculpting and mind control with Derren Brown.


Well-known member
All of the questions mentioned above irritate me. I don't ask them of other people.

If someone asks me what my job is I say "I haven't got a job." Once someone asked me why not I said "it's personal."

If someone asks me if I believe in God I say "there is more to life than meets the eye." I might also say "Jesus is alright by me."

If someone asks me if I have a girlfriend I say "no." If they ask why not I say "I haven't met the right person yet."

If someone asks me how I am I give a suitably vague reply, "alright."

Another question I find annoying is "what are your hobbies?"


The "how are you" one bothers me when it's random. I mean if someone cares about how I am it doesn't bother me. It's when people I don't know very well, or that I know don't want an honest answer ask it then the question bothers me. Mostly, it seems like people just ask that question to say something and don't want to hear an answer if it isn't good. That, and I'm not going to pour my real mood out to someone I'm not close to.
"What do you do in you do in your spare time?"

I usually don't know how to answer this because what I do for fun varies extremely from period to period. There will be a week or two when I'll be sowing and knitting, and another week I'll do nothing but watch tv shows (in marathons), and the week after that I'll be just cleaning stuff, ect.

I always feel that when they ask that they try to get to know me, but since it's very much hunch/impulse based, any answer will feel misrepresentative.
1 Who's your REAL dad?
2 How much money do you make?
3 How much did you pay for your house?
4 Why don't you go to church?
5 Why don't you talk to your REAL dad?

Any and all of the above make me so mad my face turns red and my pulse speed up. MAD!


Hie yer hence from me heath!
How huv ye been?
Are ye sure?
Why don't you talk?
What do you do with yer spare time?
What's YOUR problem?


Well-known member
The only type of questions that i feel annoyed when being asked is: "Why are you so shy?", "Why are you so quiet?", "Why didn't you talk?", etc...


Well-known member
"Do you work?" - makes me feel like a slacker/loser for saying no

"What do you do in your spare time?" - I spend time on the computer and don't go out.

"When do you go to school?" - I take online classes so I don't actually go to campus.

"How's your family doing?" - don't even go there. I don't wanna talk about it because my family's doing not so great.

"Why do you keep wearing the same shirt again?" - blunt answer is I'm poor and don't have much money. But I don't want to say that of course.


Well-known member
Ditto for most of the above. I'm on disability, too. Most of the time I don't have the money to get to the places where the people are who will ask the questions. I get anxious because most of the time a response from me brings tears to my eyes and it's hard to be that vulnerable.


Well-known member
The worst one for me is "do you work?" or "what do you do?". I hate that one because I'm on disability and feel embarrassed.

Same here.

The worst question to me is the phrase "What do you do". I hate hate hate when people ask that. First of all because I don´t have a quick answer and also because I get annoyed when people focus so much on what others do for a living. I wish people could ask other questions, for example "so, what´s your favorite color" or "what kind of music do you like". But no, sadly it always has to be about work or studies.


Well-known member
No personal questions cause me anxiety. I've gotten into the habit of being truthful to people who ask. No point in lying.


Well-known member
The "how are you" one bothers me when it's random. I mean if someone cares about how I am it doesn't bother me. It's when people I don't know very well, or that I know don't want an honest answer ask it then the question bothers me. Mostly, it seems like people just ask that question to say something and don't want to hear an answer if it isn't good. That, and I'm not going to pour my real mood out to someone I'm not close to.

I'm glad I saw this, because I'm actually one of those people who automatically feels the need to ask certain people this. With people that I don't know very well, I almost feel that the only thing I am able say to them is "hi, how are you?," and I hope that after enough times, they can approach me more and then I can become more comfortable around them. Some people do seem bothered when I ask this question, so I end up assuming that I'm a bother and they don't want me to talk to them.


Pretty much anything involving relationships.

I just lost my job, so I guess that as well... but not really, because this time I actually have enough to make it through the whole unemployment thing.


Well-known member
The what do you do question is a stupid one when you think about it. Basically you are asking somebody "What do you do to stop yourself from starving and having no money?" And then they wait to see if you have a good answer to their question or not. Worse, it is often one of the first questions that you are asked, and when you think about it it is a really rude question, made even ruder now with the recession.