Potential Cure for Cancer?


Well-known member
Ahoy there SPW! Thought I should try something new for a change and post a thread that's actually useful and doesn't revolve around my generic teenage angst ::p:

So anyhow, I was randomly browsing about the ever-so wondrous world we call the internet and came across this lovely article about a potential cure for breast cancer:

Pennsylvania breast cancer group has high hopes for Hershey-based research | PennLive.com

Having lost a lot of loved ones to this abomination, this article came across as big news to me and I felt the need to share it with you guys here.

Just goes to show that there is hope yet for a cure! It will take some time, but I have a feeling that many lives are going to be saved in the near future :)

So yeah, that was basically it. I hope this article at least made someone's day as much as it did mine. Good day to you all :D
Not to try to cut down the research they're doing, but there's always a potential cure on the horizon. There's always some new development shown to kill cancer cells. It's not really even newsworthy anymore, every time they find a way to kill them. The problem is that for whatever reason, those new treatments are very rarely used, if ever.

I don't know enough about medicine to make an argument as to why... just sayin', it's not the first potential cure. (I'm tempted to blame the government, as I usually do, but I really just don't know enough about the subject.)


Well-known member
I lost my grandfather to cancer so this is good news to me. I'm really hoping all this research will result in the discovery of an actual cure. Fingers crossed!