Post your picture thread


Well-known member
Lil-ladi85, I am not putting Caseums down. I am telling her she could look even better! That is all. And that is true- for most of us, myself included!


lil_ladii85 said:
this is a picture of me and my son :)


Awr thats a really nice picture,he looks a right cool dude in his hat 8) and im loving the t-shirt.


Active member
Danfalc said:
lil_ladii85 said:
this is a picture of me and my son :)


Awr thats a really nice picture,he looks a right cool dude in his hat 8) and im loving the t-shirt.

thank you, lol yeah he thinks hes the coolest when he wears his hat. and grandma lets him get away with everything so she got him that shirt lol


Well-known member
krs2snow said:
Caseums said:
Funny how two people said I look like Hiliary Swank. I was never told that before. She's gorgeous and I don't see it but that's just me. I was told that I look like Sandra Bullock a lot. I never wear make up so maybe if I did, I would look more decent. I'm just not a make up kind of girl though.

You do look like Hilary! But, don't let anyone fool you. You need a Major makeover! Brows waxed. Hair colored. Make-up. Go to a salon, girl! You have the potential to be a real beauty! Get the works!...Go for it!

Sorry folks, just being Simon here- speaking the "real"!

ICK, kinda rude... she doesn't need anything done, she looks beautiful how she is. Why mess with beauty? I definitely see the Hilary Swank resembelence, your face is so unique and pretty... you could be a Victoria Secret model or something :D

I might get yelled at for being inapropriate here, but that's what I do best so :lol:




Well-known member
nice pic meow, but i wanna see more how about you take off all your clothes in your next pics that wud be awesome fun. nice work .oli


Well-known member
lifes_to_long said:
nice pic meow, but i wanna see more how about you take off all your clothes in your next pics that wud be awesome fun. nice work .oli

Well I already did that, but not for free. You'd have to find the right website... and pay too. That's too much effort.


Well-known member
Thank you lil_ladii85 and meow for your kind words. I got my haircut (12 inches cut off), I'll try to post a new picture soon.

meow, i like your pictures. Your skin looks flawless and your eyes are so beautiful. I'm jealous. haha

krs2snow, I understand what you're saying. I know that other people feel the way that you think. Trust me, I'm not taking offense over it or anything. I'm just glad that you spoke how you feel.


Well-known member
Carstuar said:
Hi, everyone.
I've decided to post a short introduction along with a few pictures. I hope it doesn't bore you all too much. If it does, you can always just skip to the pictures at the end.
Myself, I tried to read all the 26 previous pages, but ignored some of the personal attacks and arguements. :!:

My name is Carsten, and I am 20 years old.
I've been depressed and reluctant to go outside for about 3 years, give or take a few months.
After reading around a little bit, I discovered that every part of the wikipedia description of Avoidant Personality Disorder fit me perfectly. I intend to bring this up in my next therapy session.
I always come up with excuses not to face people, especially strangers, in person.
I've dropped out of school and attempted to try again a couple of times, but thus far, every attempt has failed.
I struggle to find motivation to go outside, when I can stay safe from judgement, and comfortable in my own home.
I got my own place a little over a year ago, and I've been leeching off my parents and welfare since then.
A few times, I've tried getting a job, but I end up being too honest on my application, or not showing up for an interview because I'm scared and uncomfortable. Since I've never held onto a job more than a day, I'm at a disadvantage when looking for work. Employers would rather hire more experienced people with positive attitudes.
A few of my friends understand that I have a problem, and try to support me if they can, but most of them think I'm just lazy, and don't take it seriously.
Most of my time is devoted to watching TV-series and movies, aswell as playing some games on my computer, at home.
That went on a little longer than I'd expected, but it feels good to get it out there, even if only a few people read it.

Now, on to the pictures! (click on the thumbnails for larger versions)
This is me 4 years ago. I was 16. This is the last picture of me while I was happy and mostly problem free:

I'm in love with my own hair. It's the only part of myself that I'm comfortable with.

I've put on a lot of weight since then. I don't get much exercise, obviously, since I hardly ever go outside. I love tasty food. Also, I stopped growing at about 1.87 metres tall.
Here's me right now (picture taken tonight):

I have an awesome cat, currently being looked after by my father, his new wife, and my 3 younger brothers, since I live smack in the middle of a small town, and it's an outdoorsy cat.
Here's Constanze (named after a fictional character from a song):

I added some crazy photoshop filter to make her look more cartoony, and she's currently my desktop background.

Thanks for listening, and thanks to everyone for sharing their own pictures.

Hi and welcome. I love your cat :D


Well-known member
Well I already did that, but not for free. You'd have to find the right website... and pay too. That's too much effort.

8O as Jeru would say "Put some clothes on that ass if you respect yourself"

No i'm joking you actually seem like a well cool person and would only do that for fun


Well-known member
Generical said:
Well I already did that, but not for free. You'd have to find the right website... and pay too. That's too much effort.

8O as Jeru would say "Put some clothes on that ass if you respect yourself"

No i'm joking you actually seem like a well cool person and would only do that for fun

HAHAHA...just for the record, no hardcore pornography, penetration etc...

Just the fun and decent (well as decent as nude can be) stuff. 8)


Well-known member
hi meow, I don't mean to sound rude but krs2snow wasn't being rude to caseums but she was just giving her some advice. Maybe she was just a lil blunt but that was qite unintentional.
& caseums u do look fine the way u r [:)]
meow i waned to ask u.. dont u feel uncomfortable when the camera is on u? coz if i was in ur boots, i d really freak out. BTW nice pics Meow [:)]

krs2snow said:
Lil-ladi85, I am not putting Caseums down. I am telling her she could look even better! That is all. And that is true- for most of us, myself included!


Well-known member
Hi all! Caseums21, I think you are very pretty exactly how you are!! You look like H. Swank just naturally, without any help... And with some highlights you could be gorgeous! :D I just think you should go for it! I am glad you know I wasn't trying to be hurtful, Caseums21, because I really wasn't! (btw, are you wondering how you ended up in the middle of this?! :D )

(thanks for helping explain creep_x :D)


Well-known member
krs2snow said:
Hi all! Caseums21, I think you are very pretty exactly how you are!! You look like H. Swank just naturally, without any help... And with some highlights you could be gorgeous! :D I just think you should go for it! I am glad you know I wasn't trying to be hurtful, Caseums21, because I really wasn't! (btw, are you wondering how you ended up in the middle of this?! :D )

(thanks for helping explain creep_x :D)

Thank you krs2snow. You weren't the only person that told me that. But I'm the type that likes to be natural. I'm not the type of person to pay extra money to try to look better. I don't know, that's just me. Thanks again everyone. :)


Active member

Hey never posted on here before so just let all all know how i am.. been looking at this site for sometime, pretty amazing how many ppl have SA like me out there .. I barely leave my house, live with my mom still at 24yrs old , don't have a job going broke .. and just to scared to get out in this world cause im scared of ppl juding me and i feel so ugly .. grew up with my dad being a alchoholic and was mentally abused most of my life so thats some of the reason I think i'm like this .. i hate how thoughts can f**** ur life up so bad .. i wish i could just snap my fingers and be all better .. so hard to change... i have gradually gotten better over the years but still have a long way to go .. so hopefully this site can help my out alittle

anyways heres some pics of myself .. :?





Well-known member

Took this as a joke for my best friend with a caption, but thought it might make some of you giggle... :wink:
What can I say, I was bored :p